Jesus can fill the vulnerable space in our lives – Behind George Floyd’s Story

“…I just hope the family invites the Lord Jesus Christ into their most vulnerable space, because only He can give them the level of security and stand with them…”

Most of us watched Sarafina and to some extent understood a little about the fight for freedom in South-Africa. It was not just a mere movie to entertain us, but it depicts the pain and struggle inflicted on the black race by the white-men then. Nelson Mandela tried his best, was in jail for most of his fruitful and creative years of his life. Now South-Africa is not only an enviable African country but a place where many will do all they can to settle down in. Although recently, there was a rage of xenophobic attacks, but for the purpose of this, that is not the focus.

83 Days is also another movie of the attack on the black race, it was a movie about George Junius Stinney, Jr. (October 21, 1929 – June 16, 1944). He was an African American boy who was convicted and the youngest American to be sentenced to death and executed, in a proceeding later vacated as an unfair trial, of murdering two girls, ages 7 and 11, in his hometown of Alcolu, South Carolina. He was executed by electric chair in June 1944. To read the full story of George Junius Stinney, Jr., Click here

Some people paid the price of bringing truth to us, the price of opening our eyes to understanding, the price of learning how to defend and stand up for ourself, some of these people paid with all the resources they have, some even paid with their dear lives.

The story of George Floyd in America, who was murdered by 4 police officers caught my attention and despite that, it was Stinny’s story that inspired this George Floyd story, who became the most popular man in death and has also made an indelible mark. This is indeed an expression of “The Ordeal of African-American”. The “black race” in America are fighting and protesting for justice from the government, requesting for equal right with their White fellows, in other words, putting an end to the virus of racism in America, despite fighting a global pandemic COVID-19.

How George Floyd’s story, the most trending name in the last few days, got the attention of the entire world is still a mystery. Well, I will simply say, it is fulfilment of DESTINY.

Every man on earth right now, as long as you are breathing, you have a purpose, DESTINY to fulfil. How? is what you need to find out.

Destiny does not mean you came to the world to explore and do what you feel you should do, then enjoy yourself. It is indeed paying a price for others, moulding others, guiding others to fulfil their destiny; this could include raising a child, raising scholarships for people to go to school, tutoring, mentoring, coaching, creating means of livelihood for people and preventing others from making costly mistakes that can affect their future.

The above task is not an easy one as some had to die in the process of bringing about the above. Nothing brings you joy than seeing that your live impact others so positively and the reward also follows. Well, some didn’t wait to receive the reward, nor did they partake in the fight that leads to others freedom, but they are trailblazers. Like it was with George Floyd, whose life became a testimony and even richer than a rich man in death, that’s amazing!

George Floyd was the first person I’ve seen, who on his funeral an eight minutes forty-six seconds silence was observed…Read the full story of how he was murdered for good 8mins 46seconds…

Rev. Sharpton asked attendees at his funeral to observe an 8min and 46 seconds long moment of silence for him, that is the exact time Officer Derek Chauvin had his knee pressed into George Floyd’s neck. Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, and actress Tiffany Haddish joined him on stage. Very remarkable. A man that was not known before death. A man that was broke, to the extent that he was accused of spending a fake dollar…a man that lost his job during the pandemic crisis, now became a world class celebrity.

What happened between the time he was on earth and after his death was FULFILMENT OF DESTINY. This I affirmed when Tyrese Gibson was interviewed after his burial at Minnesota Chapel, he said “…I just hope the family invites the Lord Jesus Christ into their most vulnerable space, because only He can give them the level of security and stand with them…” Tyrese (This is the excerpt of the post…)

This I feel is the basis of the whole thing, his death bringing millions of people back to God through their total trust in JESUS and inviting Him to feel the vacuum in their lives.

The second purpose is to trigger and propel an end to racism in America and all over the world. In amazement, Keith Ellison Minnesota Attorney General had said, “What I do not believe is that, one successful prosecution can rectify the hurt and the loss that so many feel”

Rev. Sharpton has also said Floyd died of American criminal justice malfunction… “What happened to Floyd happens everyday in this country, in education, in health services, and in every area of American life. It’s time for us to stand up in George’s name and say get your knee off our neck”

George Floyd’s death brought so many reformation and transformation that The President of Minesotta North Central University announces that the school will establish a George Floyd’s memorial scholarship after receiving an unsolicited 350,000 dollars.

George Floyd is being honored Saturday in Raeford, North Carolina, where some of his family lives.

He lived like a common-man, murdered by those who should protect him, but left a legacy because his death changed the whole world, just as his daughter rightly said, “Dad changed the world”. He brought to book many swept under carpet issue of racism in America; George Junius Stinney, Jr. unlawful death sentence in 1944, Armaud Arbery’s death on 23rd February 2020, Christian Moore and the woman at the Central Park on Monday 25th May 2020, and many more black American who had suffered death or even in jail in the name of racism.


  1. The devil has been in the business of John 10:10 since day one (Genesis 3). He tried to stop the people’s destiny and livelihood, but he can’t stop your fulfilment, if you don’t let him. Even in death you can still fulfil the purpose of God like Floyd did, Floyd united with other dead who has suffered as a result of racism, and said “enough”, like the bones of Elisha did in 2 Kings, like Lazarus did in John 11. Meanwhile, it is important to pray that the devil will not win over your life and that your destiny will not be traded. Gehazi was supposed to be one of the greatest prophets who ever lived, but the sin of greed, deceit and lying robbed him. Sin can rob you of your God-purposed life, say NO to sin. And as Tyrese said, invite Jesus Christ into your most vulnerable space, because only He can give you the level of security and stand with you at all times. John 6:37b says “…and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Make a covenant with God today as you promise to follow Him.
  2. Walk in the light of Jesus. Only through Jesus can your purpose be revealed to you, and He alone can help you to fulfil it by studying His Word(The Bible) regularly. Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”. Listen and read from great children of God and men of God. God bless you!!!