Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Entitlement mentality is one of the bad characters eating us deep in this generation. We are nice to people because we need this or that from them. Colossians 3:23 says whatever you do, do it as unto God, and not unto man.
We are quick to say to our children when we give them something, “so, what do you say”, and the child will quickly echo back, “Thank you”. Do we do it ourselves? The 5 magic words should be frequent in our mouth; Please! Excuse me! I’m sorry! Thank you! Pardon me!
There are ways to appreciate people. Many say it culturally, but not from their heart. If you truly appreciate someone and grateful to them, you will respect them, you will love them and you will value them.
The second aspect is to show our gratitude to God. Whatever God gives you is not just to consume it and dust your leg and go. In Luke 17:11-19, the bible tells of 10 leppers that were healed, only one came back to say “thank you” to Jesus. Jesus said, are there not ten cleansed, where are the other nine?

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

1. Integrity – Integrity in its simplicity is “say it the way you will do it and do it the way you said it” So easy! I do that! You munched! Congratulations! Many of us are struggling with the value of integrity. They can’t talk and do, they believe that only God will say it and do it. But also remember you are a child of God, and you are not a bastard. When you sign the dotted lines of the agreement as an employee, do you stand by the rules? As a student, what are your values? how diligent are you? As a father/mother, are you walking in the true light of God’s Word and instructions? As an employee, do you resume at work at the appropriate time, at church, for appointments! And peradventure you WILL be late, how did you handle it. When you give your word, do you stand by it?

Spiritual Technology: Dominion (Series 4)

Spiritual Technology: Dominion (Series 4)

As long as you have breath in your nostrils, you have something that the world need. In this series, we will discuss both physical and spiritual dominion. When God gave the instruction in Genesis 1:28, it was clear, precise and accurate. When a child is born, he comes in naked and empty, but that child is loaded. Because, the president and great men/women you see today were once a baby born naked.
You can be who God wants you to be if you cooperate with Him and agree with His intentions for you. Jeremiah 29:11 clearly states His thought towards you are of peace and not of evil to give you a glorious future.

Whenever the enemy comes to you in a battle, in a struggle, or with a challenge, have the end in view; to dominate…be fruitful, create your weapon as listed in Ephesians 6 pick your weapon carefully, then multiply it by being consistent and diligently using it as you stay on the WORD truthfully. Replenish; talk about your victory, declare your victory…and lastly subdue the enemy. Identify your victorious standpoint and say it to his face till he is defeated. Confess the WORD till it birth your dominion. Jesus has given us total victory therefore, Dominion is certain!

Spiritual Technology – Introduction

Spiritual Technology – Introduction

Once technology is invented, what is expected is upgrading to a new or latest version. The earth and the beautiful things we see, is a God-programmed event that finds expression in times and seasons. God already programmed the ideas in man, and man in turn express it at different times and seasons. There will definitely be development to what we see today by this time next decades or century to come. it is important to note that we are acting out a well programmed event. In Genesis 2:1-3, the bible recorded that after God created all things, He rested. It means, He already programmed ideas, innovations, inventions in the mind and brain of man, in each generation or season, man only need to find out what the next phase of development or innovation is to be invented.
One of the advantages of technology is that it reduces stress, time and saves money. Everyone enjoys the innovation of one technology or the other; automobiles, mobile phone, smart phone, computer, new model machines; microwave, washing machines, even television sets,… still counting. New things come up everyday. Many people are working on one technological project or the other.

The Imitating Glory Part III – Joy in Sowing

The Imitating Glory Part III – Joy in Sowing

I had just paid my vows (monetary), and sincerely it was demanding. After this, God opened my eyes to a business opportunity. I had to buy some materials and resell. I prayed about it and God told me He is with me on it. I decided to test the water with little amount. I had leading into all the transactions I did. And true to it I was making money. Not realising that sowing continues. Investment is another form of sowing aside giving. This year, add investment to your giving and savings.


The Imitating Glory Part II – Glory Hidden in Challenges

David was a man that God announced through a challenge. Challenges are greatness in disguise. Students face challenges of attending classes and writing exams to get certificate. A pregnant woman faces challenges of body changes and delivery pain to reproduce a being (child/children). Life is full of challenges and ups and downs. Our perspective to it is very important, they are there to make us better and live gloriously.
I Samuel 17 has a very popular story of David and Goliath, and I want to suggest that you read it. Because it is the first time an individual, a stripling will confront a challenging battle and prevailed, this he did in the name of the Lord. I Sam 17:56 kjv...

Nigeria @ 60 – Hope of a better years

Nigeria @ 60 – Hope of a better years

There is hope for us in this country. I believe in the Nigeria where people are proud to be a Nigerian, and whenever you are traveling and people see your green passport, they will want to touch you and associate with you because of what God is doing in this country...

One day, in this country, our leaders will have the sole interest of the citizen and the development of the nation at heart.

One day, leaders will be ready to serve and be spent for their citizens and country

One day, our natural resources will be channelled aright to make life better for all citizen.

One day, leaders will no longer steal the country’s money legitimately.

One day, political office will be occupied by God-fearing leaders who will not turn around against the citizen.

One day, orderliness and calmness will be the order of the day.

One day, seeking after God shall be the weapon of stability in this country.

One day, citizens will not be taken for fool, leaders will no longer pretend…

Loading…The Custodian Series

Loading…The Custodian Series

God is the God of principle and will not break it for anyone. Not even for Jesus. When God says the wages of sin is death in Romans 3:23, He meant it. Jesus had to die because He was carrying the sin of the whole world...

September to Remember

September to Remember

I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26