Wonder of His Silence – Best Sermon ever

Wonder of His Silence – Best Sermon ever

I have a feeling that after all this lockdown, the Almighty God will announce somebody to the whole world.

I’m calling on You Father on behalf of all Your children, as many of them that would cry to You in desperation today, this very day, answer them and grant their requests. Oh Lord God Almighty, as a result of their prayers of today, let there be a multitude of testimonies

The only fellow who can cry to God and will not receive an answer is the one who refuses to surrender his/her life to Jesus.
If you are listening and you have not surrendered to Jesus, cry to Him for mercy and His blood will wash away your sins and your prayers will be answered by fire.

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 6

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 6

How healthy is the meal? Some meals can cost a fortune, but might not be healthy for you. The meal you are about to partake in is good for your health
Physically – I Peter 2:24. If you believe and have faith in God, you will take the bread, and it will bring healing to your memory – According to I Corinthians 11:23-25, this meals enhances your brain. It guarantees your mental health and mental wellness.

It is also healthy for you spiritually
Healthy for you spiritually - - Ephesians 5:18. The Holy Spirit and the wine were unified. Romans 8:11. He will revive your mortal body.1 Corinthians 10:21

Those that cannot partake in this:
If you are not 100% committed to God, don’t partake of this meal. Sinners cannot partake. If you belong to any form of secret society, don’t partake of this table. Because if you do, instead of it bringing healing, it can bring death.

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 5

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 5

1. As a result of this convention, I will increase laughter in many of your homes.
2. Quite a few businesses will not survive the lockdown, but yours will emerge stronger.
3. Before this lockdown is over, the siege on your destiny will be gone
4. You will begin to see traces of your father’s anointing in your ministrations.***
5. The doors of opportunities that running up and down didn’t allow you to see will be manifest to you during this lockdown
6. You are already great, but you will become much greater
7. Someone promise to fight you to the end, that’s no problem, because at the end, you will win.
8. There’s a particular family, every member of the family will receive a miracle during this convention***
9. By the time this convention is over, the word Wonderful will be coming out of your mouth day and night.***

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 3

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 3

When you cry to God, He will answer. There are wonders waiting for you. From the top of your head to the soul of your feet, there are wonders waiting for you.

There can be only one problem which you have to deal with straight away.
Isaiah 59:1-2.
Only your sins can create a problem. Whatever you are doing contrary to God’s will, cry to God, make restitution with God.

Your Worth!

Your Worth!

In the genealogy of Jesus, 5 women were mentioned, namely; Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, and Mary
You must have thought them lucky to have found themselves in the genealogy of the great saviour (Jesus Christ). "You can say that again!"



Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. It is also commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person to a group of listeners. Today, we have different types of speeches; motivational speech, relationship speech, marital speech, business speech, career speech… Isaiah 6:8Then I heard the...

16 June 202016 June 2020by


(1)The ENCOURAGERS: They give encouraging words when you’re feeling discouraged about life. (2)The HAND LIFTERS: These are people whose hands are strong enough to lift you up when you are weak. (3)The DESTINY HELPERS: They help you realise your dream and to fulfill your destiny. (4)The GIVERS: They give up their time and attention to...

16 June 202016 June 2020by