The Beauty of My Wife

The Beauty of My Wife

My dream woman is a fair, pretty, tall, irresistible, sexy, intelligent and elegant lady. Whose value of everything is known. Who laugh things off and embrace the beauty of the moment.A woman of impeccable character and glorious future. She is bold and hilarious. She is amiable and relates with other in the most kind and...

Emotional Affairs – Note to Singles

Emotional Affairs – Note to Singles

A man said to me after reading the last post on "Emotional Affairs" or rather "Emotional Cheating", that he just have to find an alternative to his adamant challenge. He said and I quote, "My wife doesn't know how to kiss". I said, "Ehn! Ehn! Teach her na!", then he said,...

Emotional Affairs

Emotional Affairs

Let me share an emotional cheating scenerio:

He flows easily with female gender, some even label him "romantic". When his marriage suffers, he gladly shift focus to emotional affairs option. Gets involved with an interesting, intelligent, smart, funny lady, with whom he spent as many times as he desires in the name of work or busy. The chemistry was obvious, but no sex neither did it ever occur? But, must you wait till then!

They made a connection with each other every morning, and their chats became more and more personal. He definitely talked to her about anything, although all in a way to satisfy his emotional hunger. "I talk to her about anything, including my wife, because my marriage was so unhappy. She really know how to satisfy my emotional needs.
Really! Okay! Bravo!

Eleven is not just a Number!

Eleven is not just a Number!

11 is not just a number, it can signify different things; many great and amazingly beautiful events. For you, it will bring an end to; delay, sorrow, death, tragedy, lack, failure, disappointment,… How do I know? In Deuteronomy 1, …And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first...

Father’s Belly

Father’s Belly

When a woman's belly is protruded, we know its a baby/babies. the belly of a man might be big or flat, but inside that belly are great blessings.

When a man blesses a child or his wife from his belly, the answer is unhindered. Isaac was a very good example for both. ...

Memory of Amazing Year (MAY)

Memory of Amazing Year (MAY)

This month of May is what I call the icing on the cake. The most important and pleasurable month which God will use to bring to life all that is dead and He will calm every storm in your life. This month of May, the breath of God will breath on you and your business....

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Entitlement mentality is one of the bad characters eating us deep in this generation. We are nice to people because we need this or that from them. Colossians 3:23 says whatever you do, do it as unto God, and not unto man.
We are quick to say to our children when we give them something, “so, what do you say”, and the child will quickly echo back, “Thank you”. Do we do it ourselves? The 5 magic words should be frequent in our mouth; Please! Excuse me! I’m sorry! Thank you! Pardon me!
There are ways to appreciate people. Many say it culturally, but not from their heart. If you truly appreciate someone and grateful to them, you will respect them, you will love them and you will value them.
The second aspect is to show our gratitude to God. Whatever God gives you is not just to consume it and dust your leg and go. In Luke 17:11-19, the bible tells of 10 leppers that were healed, only one came back to say “thank you” to Jesus. Jesus said, are there not ten cleansed, where are the other nine?

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

1. Integrity – Integrity in its simplicity is “say it the way you will do it and do it the way you said it” So easy! I do that! You munched! Congratulations! Many of us are struggling with the value of integrity. They can’t talk and do, they believe that only God will say it and do it. But also remember you are a child of God, and you are not a bastard. When you sign the dotted lines of the agreement as an employee, do you stand by the rules? As a student, what are your values? how diligent are you? As a father/mother, are you walking in the true light of God’s Word and instructions? As an employee, do you resume at work at the appropriate time, at church, for appointments! And peradventure you WILL be late, how did you handle it. When you give your word, do you stand by it?

Ah! Lord God! (Character II) Series III

Ah! Lord God! (Character II) Series III

This week, our focus will be on character in its action…Characters are shaped in childhood. We pick up our adult role from childhood. When a child comes from a godly home, and easily mix with ungodly children in school. This shows that the child works with the wise (home), but walks with fools in school. What will be the product of his life is who he/she walks with, hence the result we see in our children/ward today. Who they walk with is more important as to who they work with. That is why we need to be careful and walk with our children, because the quality of life is not hardwork, but results.
Why I went down to children is because the quality of adulthood is mostly dependent on the quality of childhood. This is why we are likened to a child even if we have given our lives to Christ as adult.
Ananias and Sapphira are one example of this in adulthood. They are a Christian couple, they work, dine, move with Christians (disciples), but never allowed the Holy Spirit to take total control of their lives. They want to feel among. Many are like that in church today, deceiving themselves, thinking they are deceiving others. Kindly read Acts chapter 5:1-11 and repent today, tomorrow might be too late.