A Youthful Journey of Faith

A Youthful Journey of Faith

As young people, we often seek love, acceptance, and connection. Agape love is a beacon, guiding us towards a love that is unconditional, selfless, and rooted in our relationship with God. By experiencing and expressing this love, we cultivate meaningful connections with others and deepen our relationship with our Creator.

Lyrics: ROAR by Dunsin Oyekan

Lyrics: ROAR by Dunsin Oyekan

|Let the Army Roar (Hey Hey)
|Let the Army Roar (Hey Hey)
Let the Army Roar (Hey Hey)
Let the Army Roar (Hey Hey)

An Army is Rising
That won’t take No for an Answer
And If we must have You
Nothing Less than all of You
An Army is Rising
That won’t take No for an Answer
And If we must have You
Nothing Less than all of You
(all of You)

Because we won’t Wait
For You to come
We are Right where You are
We’re Desperate for all of You
Nothing Less than that
We won’t Wait
For You to come
We are Right where You are
We’re Desperate for all of You
Nothing Less than that

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Entitlement mentality is one of the bad characters eating us deep in this generation. We are nice to people because we need this or that from them. Colossians 3:23 says whatever you do, do it as unto God, and not unto man.
We are quick to say to our children when we give them something, “so, what do you say”, and the child will quickly echo back, “Thank you”. Do we do it ourselves? The 5 magic words should be frequent in our mouth; Please! Excuse me! I’m sorry! Thank you! Pardon me!
There are ways to appreciate people. Many say it culturally, but not from their heart. If you truly appreciate someone and grateful to them, you will respect them, you will love them and you will value them.
The second aspect is to show our gratitude to God. Whatever God gives you is not just to consume it and dust your leg and go. In Luke 17:11-19, the bible tells of 10 leppers that were healed, only one came back to say “thank you” to Jesus. Jesus said, are there not ten cleansed, where are the other nine?

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

1. Integrity – Integrity in its simplicity is “say it the way you will do it and do it the way you said it” So easy! I do that! You munched! Congratulations! Many of us are struggling with the value of integrity. They can’t talk and do, they believe that only God will say it and do it. But also remember you are a child of God, and you are not a bastard. When you sign the dotted lines of the agreement as an employee, do you stand by the rules? As a student, what are your values? how diligent are you? As a father/mother, are you walking in the true light of God’s Word and instructions? As an employee, do you resume at work at the appropriate time, at church, for appointments! And peradventure you WILL be late, how did you handle it. When you give your word, do you stand by it?

RCCG 2021 Fasting Schedule

RCCG 2021 Fasting Schedule

Prophecies for RCCG & Fasting Schedule The Redeemed Christian Church of God is His own and He can take care of His own. He will take care of His own. The Almighty God says there is a new wave of glory coming. It doesn’t matter what is happening in the whole world, this year is...

The Custodian – Series V(Last Series)

The Custodian – Series V(Last Series)

God has indeed made available everything we need to be blessed by the Kingdom and to be a blessing to the Kingdom. You are a custodian when you accept the responsibility to be a child of God, Romans 8:14. and your reward begins from the earth as you enjoy many great benefits; good health, sound wisdom, wealth, prosperity, working of miracles, authority over darkness and its works, living a life of honour, beauty and grace...

Wonder of His Silence – Best Sermon ever

Wonder of His Silence – Best Sermon ever

I have a feeling that after all this lockdown, the Almighty God will announce somebody to the whole world.

I’m calling on You Father on behalf of all Your children, as many of them that would cry to You in desperation today, this very day, answer them and grant their requests. Oh Lord God Almighty, as a result of their prayers of today, let there be a multitude of testimonies

The only fellow who can cry to God and will not receive an answer is the one who refuses to surrender his/her life to Jesus.
If you are listening and you have not surrendered to Jesus, cry to Him for mercy and His blood will wash away your sins and your prayers will be answered by fire.

Announcement: September Holy Ghost Service Holds

Announcement: September Holy Ghost Service Holds

The heart of Children of God really rely on God and His power. Hence, the church is marching forward. The Redeemed Christian Church of God has announced that the September Holy Ghost still holds virtually as made known through the Pst. Odesola in his address below...

September 2020 Holy Ghost Service Holds at Redemption Camp

September 2020 Holy Ghost Service Holds at Redemption Camp

Services have resumed in churches in Nigeria as the lockdown has been lifted.
Children of God can now gather to pray, worship and honour their God and maker, while observing various safety measures against the global pandemic. The word from Exodus 7:12 has been obeyed by Covid-19. Let us all with a gladsome heart rejoice, worship and honour our God. John 4:23-24

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 7 Thanksgiving Service

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 7 Thanksgiving Service

Daddy Decree upon Gods Children

Daddy we want to decree upon your children because this is a special and unique convention.
- I hereby decree that every one of you will be specially blessed. Amen
- You will be uniquely blessed. Amen
- Everyday of your life on a daily basis, God will perform wonders, Amen
- He will perform wonders for you. Amen
- He will perform Wonders through you. Amen
- He will use you to perform wonders in the world. Amen
- Everywhere you go, Miracles will follow you. Amen
- Signs & Wonders will follow you, Amen
- Wherever you arrive, Joy will arrive. Amen, Miracles will arrive. Amen, Healings will arrive, Amen, Breakthroughs will arrive. Amen. You will not forget this convention. Amen
- This convention will Mark a major turning in your life. Amen
- From this day onward, whatever you touch will prosper. Amen
- Anywhere you turn, ways will be open unto you. Amen
- You will find favour with God. Amen
- You will find favour with men. Amen
- The Almighty God Himself will keep on promoting you. Amen
- He will defend you. Amen
- He will fight your battles for you. Amen
- And on daily basis, He will lift you higher and higher. Amen
- And in the kingdom of God, you will not be missing, Amen.
- You too you will serve the Lord, Amen. - You will serve Him till the end, Amen. - You will all finish well. Amen
- You will finish strong, Amen
- And if the Lord delays His coming, by the time we meet again, your testimonies will be numerous. Amen
- So shall it be, Amen

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