Not In Chains

Not In Chains

"I aborted for him twice because he said he would marry me and that he is not ready to be a father yet. Each time I accepted, he showered me with so much love that I got so fooled to believe him," Blessing said as tears rolled down on the wedding invitation before her. "Will God ever forgive me?" She looked up as if seeking approval or disapproval...

Pure Gold

Pure Gold

In my pursuit of purity, I mistakenly focused my boundaries on peers, thinking them to be the potential source of temptation. However, I soon realized that the enemy's tactics were more nuanced, using the influence of the elderly instead. Fortunately, God's wisdom prevailed, and His mercy and grace guided me through the pitfalls of my journey.

Living in a generation characterized by intelligence and independence, we often believe that we can outsmart sin and evade its consequences. However, history and biblical narratives, such as those of Solomon, Samson, and David, remind us that every sin, especially deliberate ones, carries repercussions.

No Gree for Any Negativity

No Gree for Any Negativity

In this current season, the transition into the calendar year has been swift, marked by a flurry of events. Amidst it all, we are rest assured that God has spoken great things concerning us.
Let our hearts resound with the firm resolution: "No gree for any negativity this year."
Our trust in God, as seen in Eze 37:8-10, Exo 14:21, and Acts 2, propels us forward with unshakeable confidence. We hold onto the truth that God is faithful to His Word; therefore, we believe and declare it. "We no go gree for any negativity in our lives, family and nation"

The Journey of FAITH

The Journey of FAITH

As you delight yourself in the Lord, may all your desires find fulfilment. May your paths be lined with success, your hearts with love, and your days with moments that make beautiful memories.

Have faith in God and His Word, and you will enjoy favour and abundant blessings. This year 2024, I choose to walk with God in FAITH, how about you?

A Youthful Journey of Faith

A Youthful Journey of Faith

In a world buzzing with digital distractions and the ever-evolving trends, it can be challenging for young people to navigate the path of faith. Yet, beneath the chaos and clamor, there's a timeless treasure trove waiting to be discovered—the Fruit of the Spirit. These virtues, described in Galatians 5:22-23, hold profound significance for every youth on their spiritual journey. Let's explore what the Fruit of the Spirit means in the context of youth, and how these qualities can empower us to embrace faith, purpose, and joy in our lives.

A Youthful Journey of Faith

A Youthful Journey of Faith

As young people, we often seek love, acceptance, and connection. Agape love is a beacon, guiding us towards a love that is unconditional, selfless, and rooted in our relationship with God. By experiencing and expressing this love, we cultivate meaningful connections with others and deepen our relationship with our Creator.

Moment of Truth

Moment of Truth

Secrets are the hidden facets of our lives, the enigmas we safeguard from the prying eyes of others. They thrive in the sanctuary of solitude, shrouded in mystery.

Truth, on the other hand, stands resolute as the unadulterated account of a situation, an event, or an individual. It represents the open, transparent reality in contrast to secrets, which are carefully concealed, shared only in whispers among a trusted few.

Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

In the tapestry of Christian life, there exists a divine garden—one that blooms with qualities so radiant and profound that as a Christian, you have the power to transform not just the lives of individuals but also the world around you. This garden is the Fruit of the Spirit, a gift bestowed upon us by God's grace, an exquisite spiritual bouquet that infuses our lives with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. as recorded in Galatians 5:22-23.

A New Level

A New Level

As we step into the beautiful month of September, I pray that: This month will be a season of new beginnings and fresh opportunities. May you find strength and courage to be an overcomer. Exodus 19:4 says that the Lord bore the Israelites on Eagles’ wings. It further states, “You yourselves have seen what I...