The Imitating Glory Part III – Joy in Sowing

The Imitating Glory Part III – Joy in Sowing

In the last series, we discussed how challenges are envelop of glory. He did it for David, Joseph, the three Hebrew men, most especially our Lord Jesus Christ. This week, we are considering how God can ask you to sow even in time of famine, and like He did for Isaac, He will give you 100folds harvest. To read the full article for last week, click:

I had just paid my vows (monetary), and sincerely it was demanding. After this, God opened my eyes to a business opportunity. I had to buy some materials and resell. I prayed about it and God told me He is with me on it. I decided to test the water with little amount. I had leading into all the transactions I did. And true to it I was making money. Not realising that sowing continues. Investment is another form of sowing aside giving. This year, add investment to your giving and savings.

A time came, sincerely this time, I made some transactions with a huge amount of money, and to my shock, the value dropped to below 40% of cost price. I got so pained, and asked God if I have deviated from the original guideline. but God told me He wants to teach me the principle and the experience of Genesis 26.

As a child of God when God is with you, things will always work in your favour. What were the principles God made me follow:

Let us go to Genesis 26:2-12, There are two interwoven principles God called my attention to:

Then the Lord appeared to him and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you

This first principle is OBEDIENCE. When God called Abram in Genesis 12, He just told him to go to a place He will show him. And He obeyed. He didn’t argue, and here, his son was faced with the same. God told him to stay in the land, God tested Isaac’s obedience to measure how prepared and how aligned he is in His plan for his lineage.

Likewise, our Lord Jesus obeyed God all the way and not only did He obeyed God, He acknowledged God.

In my own case, God told me what I needed to do concerning the transaction, and despite temptations dancing around me and tossing at me, I remind myself of His instruction. I made so much than I could ever imagined. In I Samuel 15, Samuel told Saul that obedience is better than sacrifice and rebellion is like a witchcraft. Hence, from the premises, disobedience is equated with witchcraft. Someone once said, partial obedience is disobedience. My mum will tell me, “Obey before you complain”. Aside the Bible, this statement is one of the things that has helped me immensely in my walk with God.

On your way to glory, your obedience will be tested, even when the instructions are not logical to you, if its God giving it, obey it, He knows the end from the beginning. What is the relevance between wine and fetching water in John 2, the obedience brought the result.

The second principle is found in verse 12; FAITHFULNESS

12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. 

How convenient can it be to sow in famine? I will say for this, faithfulness is synonymous to TRUST. If you cant trust God this year, you might find yourself struggling perpetually. Proverbs 3:5-6 emphasizes the need to trust God in all our ways, lean not on your own understanding, and when we acknowledge Him, He will direct our path.

Total trust in God will make a Christian give first-fruit, pay tithe and offering faithfully and pay vows. This shows total dependence on Jehovah Jireh.

Total trust in God will make us receive instructions from Him and obey it even if we don’t understand it.

Total trust will make us to submit to God and put all in His hands; PRAYERS. I Thess 4:17

Jesus prayed throughout His stay on earth, showing His dependence on God. Elijah prayed until He got results. I Kings 18, Abraham prayed, Isaac prayed, Jacob prayed…all prominent Kingdom Generals all took prayers seriously, so must WE.

Jesus wants us to imitate Him in all our lives and be like Him. He is worthy of been imitated in speech, in deeds and actions in order to have pleasant results. Follow His footsteps.

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