Zelophehad’s Daughters: Introduction (Series 1)

Zelophehad’s Daughters: Introduction (Series 1)

Zelophehad is the name of a man whose story surfaced in the bible because of his daughters. We do not know Zelophehad until Numbers 27, when his daughters popularise his name. May the Lord give you children that will precipitate your rising in Jesus name. Amen. The meaning of the name Zelophehad is “Dark Shadows”. He is from the tribe of the first born of Joseph, Manasseh, he had five daughters and had no sons. We didn’t have his biography than this.

Let us read the story in Numbers 27:1-11

Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah were the daughters of Zelophehad son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, son of Joseph. They went and stood before Moses, Eleazar the priest, the leaders, and the whole community at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord’s presence and said,“Our father died in the wilderness without leaving any sons. He was not among the followers of Korah, who rebelled against the Lord; he died because of his own sin. Just because he had no sons, why should our father’s name disappear from Israel? Give us property among our father’s relatives.”

 Moses presented their case to the Lord, and the Lord said to him, “What the daughters of Zelophehad request is right; give them property among their father’s relatives. Let his inheritance pass on to them. Tell the people of Israel that whenever a man dies without leaving a son, his daughter is to inherit his property. If he has no daughter, his brothers are to inherit it. If he has no brothers, his father’s brothers are to inherit it. If he has no brothers or uncles, then his nearest relative is to inherit it and hold it as his own property. The people of Israel are to observe this as a legal requirement, just as I, the Lord, have commanded you.”

As at the time his daughters came forward to make this plea, he was already dead. Zelophehad must have died early because, according to what was recorded in Numbers 36:10-11, So Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, did as the Lord had commanded Moses, and they married their cousins. They married within the clans of the tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph, and their property remained in their father’s tribe.

This shows that as at the time the daughters were filing their case, they weren’t all married. But he left 5 legacies before he died. Women of honour and value. Bold and courageous women. Women worthy of character to have attracted God’s attention. The bible says in Numbers 27:6-11 , God had to command Moses to listen to them and also gave the entire Israel a law because of these bold girls. Confess this: “May the Lord command nations to listen to me in Jesus name, Amen”

Confession:   Nations will hear my voice and listen to me.

Prayer: Father, Give me wisdom and courage in Jesus name, Amen.

Special Appeal: This month edition is a special one, an appeal to our parent, a challenge to every child, an encouragement to every youth (especially female gender). Kindly read up and follow the series; (Zelophehad’s Daughters). It will be amazingly beautiful and expository to your walk with God and successes in this year.

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