Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. It is also commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person to a group of listeners.

Today, we have different types of speeches; motivational speech, relationship speech, marital speech, business speech, career speech…

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

God is still looking for those He will send to generations to come. Those who will speak the truth to our generation and generations unborn. Those who will not be pocket freaked and easily dazzled with money.
The truth is, money is good and a defense, but money is our servant.

Meanwhile, don’t think God’s need for these proclaimers won’t be met o, He has people He can send and will send, He have them and training them too. If you find yourself on the list, or you are already sent out, thank God for it and be diligent.

God needs His army who are rogged soul winners. Unapologetic soul winners.

Don’t just let your heart wish, also let your mouth speak the truth in the word of God.
God is training His soldiers daily and loading us with great benefits.

Are you one of them?

Confession: I will profess the word of the Lord fearlessly and diligently in my generation in Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, build me up for my purpose and help me to stay on my lane in Jesus name.


Family Princess Abimbola Ige

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