Pure Gold

Pure Gold

In my pursuit of purity, I mistakenly focused my boundaries on peers, thinking them to be the potential source of temptation. However, I soon realized that the enemy's tactics were more nuanced, using the influence of the elderly instead. Fortunately, God's wisdom prevailed, and His mercy and grace guided me through the pitfalls of my journey.

Living in a generation characterized by intelligence and independence, we often believe that we can outsmart sin and evade its consequences. However, history and biblical narratives, such as those of Solomon, Samson, and David, remind us that every sin, especially deliberate ones, carries repercussions.

Zelophehad’s Daughters: Introduction (Series 1)

Zelophehad’s Daughters: Introduction (Series 1)

Zelophehad is the name of a man whose story surfaced in the bible because of his daughters. We do not know Zelophehad until Numbers 27, when his daughters popularise his name. May the Lord give you children that will aide your rising in Jesus name. Amen. The meaning of the name Zelophehad is “Dark Shadows”. He is from the tribe of the last born of Joseph, Manasseh, he had five daughters and had no sons. We didn’t have his biography than this.

Let us read the story in Numbers 27:1-11...

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

1. Integrity – Integrity in its simplicity is “say it the way you will do it and do it the way you said it” So easy! I do that! You munched! Congratulations! Many of us are struggling with the value of integrity. They can’t talk and do, they believe that only God will say it and do it. But also remember you are a child of God, and you are not a bastard. When you sign the dotted lines of the agreement as an employee, do you stand by the rules? As a student, what are your values? how diligent are you? As a father/mother, are you walking in the true light of God’s Word and instructions? As an employee, do you resume at work at the appropriate time, at church, for appointments! And peradventure you WILL be late, how did you handle it. When you give your word, do you stand by it?

From a wounded Princess – The Forbidden King’s Meat

From a wounded Princess – The Forbidden King’s Meat

The king's meat can be deadly, it can cause cancer, it can cause unwanted pregnancy, it can cause destruction of destiny. This King's meat can be interpreted to a life of sin; this can be in diverse ways; your relationship with ungodly friends, unholy relationship with the opposite sex, living large and walking in sin, disobedient to the laws of God. Daniel,Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego decided not to spoil themselves with the king's meat. The affluence of the land, yet, they came out as the best, and most well nourished. Even when they were thrown into fire, God was waiting for them there, and what was supposed to burn them became air conditioner.