The Exchange – Power versus Glory – Series IV

The Exchange – Power versus Glory – Series IV

When God created man (male/female) in the beginning, He gave us both collective and individual responsibility. That’s a whole teaching…loading… According to Genesis 1:28-30, God gave us a collective responsibility, and in Genesis 2, we found some of man’s responsibility as it was in the beginning; They are; work and nurturing. The Lord God took the man...

The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!
God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!

Whenever, we are going through some challenges and we know that some demons are messing up with us, this song is always on our lips.

There is an event recorded in 1 Kings 18, with which the song above inaugurated from. Elijah had challenged the god of Baal as against the Almighty God. Elijah told the Israelites to stop hypocrisy and follow the right God, whether its Baal or God of Israel. So he challenged that they are representative of Baal and he is a representative of God, and the God that answers by fire is God and the one everyone will serve. They called on Baal and call but no fire came, Elijah filled the altar with water and when he called on God, fire descended to consume the sacrifice, water even the stones. And the people believed God. When Jezebel(King Ahab’s wife) heard, she sworn to kill Elijah, do you know that the same Elijah that prayed

The Exchange – Blessing Is Locational – Series II

The Exchange – Blessing Is Locational – Series II

Despite Jacob got the blessing from his father, did he walk in the blessing?
I think the first question we should treat is, if his mother had not tricked, would he had gotten the blessing?
Now to answer the latter, I will posit a clearer picture with a question; the blessing he got, didn’t he needed the blessing of the angel to fully walk in it? Whatever you get through unholy means; deceit, tipping, bribery cannot take you to the promised land, instead it will slow you down.
Jacob’s presence in Panddan-aram was not by accident, but he was not supposed to spend such a long time there. Because of Jacob’s deceit, he found himself in the wrong location, in a strange land. Hence, the blessing was in disguise not working optimally for him. It took the intervention of the blessing of the angel for him to walk in the reality of his blessing.

The Exchange – …Love Above God – Series I

The Exchange – …Love Above God – Series I

A statement was alleged to Abraham Lincoln, the American 16th President, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” He believed that America is a freedom nation and the freedom cannot be taken away by a stranger except the Americans themselves.
Lincoln’s ideology is similar to what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25; …“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Ah! Lord God (Character IV) Series V

Entitlement mentality is one of the bad characters eating us deep in this generation. We are nice to people because we need this or that from them. Colossians 3:23 says whatever you do, do it as unto God, and not unto man.
We are quick to say to our children when we give them something, “so, what do you say”, and the child will quickly echo back, “Thank you”. Do we do it ourselves? The 5 magic words should be frequent in our mouth; Please! Excuse me! I’m sorry! Thank you! Pardon me!
There are ways to appreciate people. Many say it culturally, but not from their heart. If you truly appreciate someone and grateful to them, you will respect them, you will love them and you will value them.
The second aspect is to show our gratitude to God. Whatever God gives you is not just to consume it and dust your leg and go. In Luke 17:11-19, the bible tells of 10 leppers that were healed, only one came back to say “thank you” to Jesus. Jesus said, are there not ten cleansed, where are the other nine?

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

Ah! Lord God (Character III) Series IV

1. Integrity – Integrity in its simplicity is “say it the way you will do it and do it the way you said it” So easy! I do that! You munched! Congratulations! Many of us are struggling with the value of integrity. They can’t talk and do, they believe that only God will say it and do it. But also remember you are a child of God, and you are not a bastard. When you sign the dotted lines of the agreement as an employee, do you stand by the rules? As a student, what are your values? how diligent are you? As a father/mother, are you walking in the true light of God’s Word and instructions? As an employee, do you resume at work at the appropriate time, at church, for appointments! And peradventure you WILL be late, how did you handle it. When you give your word, do you stand by it?

Ah! Lord God – Introduction (Series)

Ah! Lord God – Introduction (Series)

I heard a documentary of a leader in a nation, who said; “…there is so much God in all that we do”. That statement made me rejoice. Despite he was saying it as a warning, because to him, having so much God in all you do can lead to mediocrity…

Our focus this month is CHARACTER. The godly character we should display as Children of God, according to Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
There is something about Genesis 5:24 that baffles me; And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him...

Spiritual Technology: Influence (Series 3)

Spiritual Technology: Influence (Series 3)

Daddy G.O’s address during the February Thanksgiving Service at the RCCG Head Quarter, Ebute-Meta, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the general overseer of RCCG celebrated God’s faithfulness this year for 40years as the G.O., these are the secrets he shared;
1. Learn to acknowledge and appreciate; God, your spouse, your mentor, your followers…
2. If you want your journey to be easy, learn to hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
3. Ensure you marry right if you are still single
4. Have a mentor that can guide you aright into obedience to God’s Word
5. Fear God, if He loves you, He will not take nonsense from you. Don’t mess with God.
6. Be sacrificial in your giving. For God to gain the world, He had to sacrifice His only son. Give something to gain something.
For you to have influence, you have to let God influence you.
7. Be humble…learn to submit and surrender to God’s leading. Also, no matter what God is doing through you, always accrue glory to Him.
Prayer: Father! Give me the grace to become the influence for you in this world.
Confession: I receive power to be influential and impact my world for JESUS!

Spiritual Technology – Introduction

Spiritual Technology – Introduction

Once technology is invented, what is expected is upgrading to a new or latest version. The earth and the beautiful things we see, is a God-programmed event that finds expression in times and seasons. God already programmed the ideas in man, and man in turn express it at different times and seasons. There will definitely be development to what we see today by this time next decades or century to come. it is important to note that we are acting out a well programmed event. In Genesis 2:1-3, the bible recorded that after God created all things, He rested. It means, He already programmed ideas, innovations, inventions in the mind and brain of man, in each generation or season, man only need to find out what the next phase of development or innovation is to be invented.
One of the advantages of technology is that it reduces stress, time and saves money. Everyone enjoys the innovation of one technology or the other; automobiles, mobile phone, smart phone, computer, new model machines; microwave, washing machines, even television sets,… still counting. New things come up everyday. Many people are working on one technological project or the other.

The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

Jesus came not just to show us the true character to live by as a child of God, but He also lived it.
Psalm 128 says: Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the LORD.
This series is a summary of the first three series, while it pays attention to three aspects of Jesus’ character that can lead us to greatness and fulfilment.
Jesus exhibited;
i. High level of INTEGRITY,