JUNE – Helper

JUNE – Helper

Its the end of May, everyone is ensuring to restock the house. Markets, malls, stores are all filled…

A young man watched a beautiful scenario ahead of him; “A man drove with his wife to a mall. As they were parking, he noticed the tyre has been punctured by a sharp object. He quickly decided to change the tyre. The wife joined the procedure. He told her not to soil her hand, and she said, but I know how to sit in it when the tyres were perfectly working.

She quickly offered to bring the spare tyre, they both fixed it and were done in a moment. The husband blew a kiss to her, and she gestured back.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

Father! Give me a woman that is willing to help me to fulfil my dream, he prayed.  

Hearing that story and the man’s prayer, I was amazed at his interpretation. But quickly realised that when you have a helper of destiny in your spouse, you are mostly blessed.

When you find that kind of woman/man, cherish him/her, appreciate him/her, support him/her and make them happy. Great success awaits you this month of June.

This month of June, may you never lack the help you needed, and when your helper is with you, they will oblige you.

Happy New Month of June!

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