The February

The February




Everything is special about February.

February is the second month of the year.

An amazing month with two end dates (28 or 29).

A beautiful month of love.

It signifies Jesus because Jesus is the second of the trinity

Most especially, it’s the month I was born.

Every 17th of February pop for joy, because it remembers my birth

The devil remembers this day and he’s sad because that day gave birth to a hellrazer, trailblazer,…

Families are blessed through me

Lives are transformed through His power working in me

Mountains are crushed through His faith in me

Oceans are divided through His Word living in me

Many call themselves legend…but I am not just an ordinary legend,

I am the Kingdom legend. A royal priesthood

A holy lady and peculiar damsel

I show forth the praises of Him who has called me out of darkness into His marvellous light

I am the light in the world

I am the salt of the earth

I am the sweetness awaited for

I am the ambassador of the Kingdom

I am the QUEEN of His Royal Majesty!

Long Live the Queen!

Happy New Month of February and Welcome to Royalty!

May this month bring about great favour and amazing glory into your life.

I Love You!

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