Nigeria @ 60 – Hope of a better years

Nigeria @ 60 – Hope of a better years

Congratulations to all Nigerians. Nigeria is indeed 60!

60 years the country gained freedom from the British colonial masters.

60 years life started for Nigeria.

Indeed are we really free? If we ask our forefathers, would they have preferred the then Nigeria or the Now?

Nigeria is 60, but not seeing…they refuse to see the light of God that can bring about transformation.

A sixty year old man knows that he is coming close to the grave and that his night has started. Does Nigeria still have hope despite the night is dawning…

There is hope for us in this country. I believe in the Nigeria where people are proud to be a Nigerian, and whenever you are traveling and people see your green passport, they will want to touch you and associate with you because of what God is doing in this country. (Prophecy by Pastor E.A. Adeboye on 27th September 2020 during an online sermon) I believe this prophecy will come to pass in my time.

Why do I believe in this country Nigeria that is hopeless, bleak and vague… because God is in this nation. When we invite God into our lives/nations, He turns situations around for the best.

Because God loves us so much, He will definitely change our story and turn our country around for the best.

Because God will make this nation His headquarter of blessing and favour.

Because this is our land, in which the Lord will bless us and make all things beautiful for us.

As hopeless as it is, in this country, our leaders will have the sole interest  of the citizen and the development of the nation at heart.

1, One day, leaders will be ready to serve and be spent for their citizens and country

2, One day, our natural resources will be channelled aright to make life better for all citizen.

3, One day, leaders will no longer steal the country’s money legitimately.

4, One day, political office will be occupied by God-fearing leaders who will not turn around against the citizen.

5, One day, orderliness and calmness will be the order of the day.

6, One day, seeking after God shall be the weapon of stability in this country.

7, One day, citizens will not be taken for fool, leaders will no longer pretend…

8, One day, many will run to Nigeria to see her beauty, splendour, peace, harmony and love

9, One day, many will come to Nigeria to find God and more of Him.

10, One day, Nigeria will produce great genius with outstanding intelligence.

11, One day, Nigeria will be called the city of our God.

12, One day, Nigeria will be a developed country

13, One day, God will arise and have mercy on Nigeria, for the time to favour her is now.

14, One day, nations will bow to Nigeria.

15, One day, Nigeria will be a place of safety, refuge, solace, honour, peace, joy, hope, glory, and favour.

16,One day, many students will run to Nigeria to get scholarships to study here because of the perfect educational sector.

17, One day, innovations from Nigeria will be globally accepted and credited to this country.

18, One day, it will be noted that of all the nations in the world, Nigeria has the most stable, perfect and lovely marriages/homes

19, One day, our technological system will be perfect and excellent, that nations will send representatives/personnel to be trained by Nigerian in this country.

20, One day, nations will arise and call Nigeria blessed.

21, One day, Nigeria will make God proud. God will be happy He allowed a nation called Nigeria in Africa.

22, One day, the glory of Nigeria will shine brighter and brighter

23, One day, Nigeria will be a blessing to nations all over the world

24, One day, nations will be seeking for Nigeria’s favour and approval.

25, One day, Nigeria will be a decider of international decisions

26, One day, Nigeria will be blessed beyond measure.

27, One day, Nigeria will be a prosperous nation. People will say, if you want to make it, go to Nigeria, because God is there.

28, One day, Nigeria will be an enviable country.

29, One day, Nigeria will have an advantage above other citizens, esp, in Africa

30, One day in Nigeria, peace will be the order of the day.

31, One day, killings and death will be minimal if not totally stopped in this country

32, One day, offenders/criminals shall come to the knowledge of Christ and learn more of God.

33, One day, Nigeria will rise to be Africa’s giant again

34, One day, Nigeria will be an important tourist centre for nations all over the world.

35, One day, Nigeria’s resources will be amazingly expanded.

36, One day, Nigeria will be a comfort to her citizens and inhabitants

37, One day, our entrepreneurs will build wealth of knowledge that will be sought after all the world.

38, One day, life will be great for all Nigerians and her inhabitants.

39, One day, testimonies shall be the order of the day.

40, One day, Nigeria citizens will be looked out for in order to get great success

41, One day, things will work in this country.

42, One day, Nigeria will lend to many nations.

43, One day, Nigeria will be truly blessed

44, One day, life will have beautiful meanings in this nation Nigeria.

45, One day, peace and justice will reign in this country.

46, One day, Nigeria will have responsible and sensible leaders.

47, One day, Nigeria will be proud to serve the living God

48, One day, Nigeria’s visa will be sought for, applied for and heartily pursued

49, One day, Nigeria will be a centre of excellence

50, One day, Nigeria will be known for good managerial capability

51, One day, international companies will prefer hands from Nigeria because they are professionals.

52, One day, all sectors in Nigeria will have international influence.

53, One day, Nigeria will be pleasantly surprised

54, One day, Nigeria will be a blessing to the whole world

55, One day, Nigeria will be at her best.

56, One day, hope will arise in this nation.

57, One day, Nigerians will be proud to be a Nigerian.

58, One day, Nigeria will truly live for God

59, One day, God will be glad for Nigeria

60, One day, when the trumpet shall sound, many Nigerians will make it to heaven


God bless Nigeria

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