RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 4

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 4

MINISTERING: Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Theme: Wonderful
Topic: Wonders of Commitment
Text: Matthew 22:35-40

What is Commitment

Commitment is total and absolute surrender once and for all time.

A very goof illustration would be the vow you make at a wedding, when you say to your spouse, I’m taking this man/woman alone for the rest of my life in sickness or in health, in wealth or in poverty, everything I have from mow on is available to him/her till death do us part.

That’s the simplest way to explain commitment. no one says he/she is halfly married…its either you are married or not.

The God we serve never do things in half measures.

  1. No half blessings with God. Psalm 23:5. He doesn’t stop even when the cup is full
  2. No half breakthrough with God.  In Luke 5, God gave Peter a boat sinking testimony. God doesn’t do things in half measure
  3. There’s no half measure healing with God. In II Kings 5:1-14, Namaan’s skin was restored like a baby’s skin.
  4. There’s no half promotion ! Samuel 12:8., Deuteronomy 28:13. He says you shall be above only. His promotion is permanent
  5. There’s no half way deliverance with God. In Mark 5:2-20, the bible talk about the mad man that was delivered from demon that has made him to change his residence among the living to the dead. He lived in the tomb. The mad man was totally delivered that he became an evangelist.

The blessing God will give you during this convention will be absolute and complete, your breakthrough will be total, your healing will be 100% complete. Your promotion, will be amazing, very soon, your colleagues will look at you at the top and will know its only God that can take you thus far. And your deliverance, when He delivers you from all those demons, you will never hear of them again. When He delivers the children of Israel at the red sea, he told them the enemies they see today, they will see them no more, and soon enough, all those enemies became food for fishes.

When God gives victory, it is absolute. If you sit down and study I Samuel 17:34-51, you will notice some very interesting things in David versus Goliath’s story, not only has God provided the stone that will knock Goliath down, He has also prepared the sword to cut off the extra big neck of Goliath.

The elders will say, don’t play with a snake that has its head. when God decides to take care of your enemy, He will do a thorough job. There’s no half way support from God. Philippians 1:6.

God does not take you halfway through and withdraw, No! He completes what He has started.

There’s no halfway salvation. Hebrews 7:24-25, tells us clearly that God is able to save to the uttermost.

He save the soul of a chief herbalist and turn him to a pastor. He goes all the way. No half measures with Him.

And because there’s no half measure with Him, He in return demands commitment. Matthew 12:25-30. Its either you are for God or against him. Revelation 3:15-16.

For those of you I visit, I always tell you not to give me a warm welcome, either make the welcome cold, so I will know I’m not wanted here. Because my God do not love a warm thing. He wants it hot. If you want to praise God, praise Him, be deliberate, be intentional. In Deuteronomy 30:19-20, He gave an advice that you should choose between life and death. He won’t force you, but once you have chosen, let what you have chosen speak.

What are the Wonders of Commitment

  1. If you commit your body to Him. Romans 12:1, Daniel 1:1-20. Daniel and his friends refused to defile their body with

How many husbands/wife will jump for joy when he/she hears that his/her spouse is messing around. God wants you to present your body a living sacrifice. At the end of the day, Daniel and his friends are looking far, far better and wiser than Daniel 6:1-end. When lions saw Daniel coming, they told themselves, this body has been commited to God, its not for us to eat. Daniel 3:1-end. Shadrac, Meshac and Abnego were thrown into fire, the fire did not burn them, because the colour of the fire is the same as the colour of the wine. The body has not been defiled by the winne of the king.

02. When you commit your soul to Him, this is talking about where you have wisdom/understanding. You will discover that your wisdom will become difficult to explain. Daniel 2:1-end. Daniel’s wisdom was so incomparable. James 1:5. God is not stingy. Daniel 5,

When you commit your soul to Him, He gives you excellent wisdom.

03. When you commit your spirit to Him, loving Him with all of your Spirit. Numbers 14:20-24. He will make sure that you reach your goal. Daniel 6:1-3, the bible talk about a King with 120 Provinces, he chose 120 leaders to oversee and chose 3 Presidents to reside on these 120 provinces, and then chose one person to be a leader of the 3 Presidents. He chose Daniel, because he knows he has an excellent spirit. For Joshua in Joshua 24:15,he says he will serve the Lord with his household. And in Joshua 10:12-14, Joshua asks the sun to standstill, and it obeys, because he is with God.

I Kings 18:1-end, Elijah stood against a nation, he prayed I Kings 17:8-24, he became the first man ever to raise the dead.

Also, Elisha, I Kings 19:19-21, the moment the mantle of Elijah fell on him, he followed God 100%. In II Kings 13-21, Elisha became the first to raise the dead twice, the second man was raised after he died. His dead body was still performing miracles.

Another example is Peter in Luke 5:1-11, after Peter experienced the power of God in abundance, he left everything and followed Jesus, he didn’t even wait to sell the fish. And in Acts 5:12-16, even the shadow of Peter was healing the sick. It pays to be committed to God.

Paul in Phil 3:5-11, the bible says he says he let go of everything that he considers gain just to know God, just to be committed 100% to him. Acts 19:17-19. God performed special miracles. He became well known and a terror to the kingdom of darkness.

Come out of this convention with the demons already testifying that they know Jesus and knows you. Paul finished well, you will finish well.

If you are in one bondage or the other; demons or powers of darkness. It might be because you are not fully committed to God, Acts 5 and 12, no prison could hold Peter. Proverbs 8:17 makes it clear that God loves those who love him, God cannot love you and the enemy will hold you down. Proverbs 8:36.

You have problem with any part of your body or life that is not committed to God. For example, if every part of your body is in the light and a part in the dark, the fact that you have the full body in light and a part in darkness cannot prevent you from been hurt.

You must be totally committed to God.

Make up your mind to be committed to God, there are tremendous wonders in doing so. Do it 100%.

Lord, save my soul, I will serve you 100%. My body, my soul and my spirit is yours forever

Think deeply before you pray… LORD, I have heard that when you heal, you heal completely, I claim my healing now in Jesus name. …claim all the promises

68th RCCG Virtual Convention #DoveMedia


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