Zelophehad’s Daughters: 7 Lessons from Zelophehad’s Daughters (Series III)

Zelophehad’s Daughters: 7 Lessons from Zelophehad’s Daughters (Series III)

The discussion about Zelophehad’s daughters have been an interesting one in the last two series. In this series, we want to extract the life lessons in their life.

  1. Unity of Purpose – They all spoke the same language. It is not in God’s nature to ignore unity. The story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 already explains this. Jesus said in Mark 3:24 that If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. Unity is an integral part of success.
  2. Fearless – They are bold. In the time of old, you rarely found one woman who is bold. Its either she is hiding under the man to talk or she is not talking at all. That is why the feat of Deborah was so prominent, because such act/feat is not a common practice. Thank God for women like the Zelophehad’s daughters who gave women a voice and confidence that we too can do it. These are 5 young ladies, bold and courageous. I am sure women like this will make a good wife for Joshua, and God wouldn’t need to admonish him to be courageous. They will push him into it.
  3. Wisdom – They are knowledgeable and wise to know how to present their case to Moses and the elders. They know how to talk and get the attention of the elders and rulers. James 1:5 says; If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. They are wise in all sense of it. In speech, in respect, in humility, in confidence, most especially, they pay attention to details.
  4. They are obedient to God and to man. After they got their inheritance, they all obeyed the instruction of the Lord as they all married from their clan. James 4:7 emphasize this that submission to God gives you power to resist the devil. They did what they ought to do. Numbers 36:10-13 records that they married from their clan as the Lord has commanded Moses.
  5. They are wife materials. They are submissive and heart-warming and am sure they will be homely too. If not, how come even God addressed their case in more than five verses. Who will not want to marry such women? A woman should be three things in her home; a wife, a mother and a priest. The responsibility inherent in these three is not of inferior value or inconsequential. To read more about this, watch out for my book; Obirin Meta! Meaning A woman in Three Functions!
  6. They have home training. Their father must have taught them well and they inculcate the right attitude. This was discussed in the last series.
  7. Love – They love each other. Love brings unity, unity brings progress. How many siblings are waging war against each other today? You are selfish! You are not reliable! You are inconsistent!…That’s all we see in our own sisters/brothers. When we ought to love each other and stand in unity to bring about the desired result. Some siblings might be difficult and overbearing, but when we deal with each other in love, honour, and respect, it can go a long way. The Zelophehad’s daughters were able to achieve unity because they love each other. Apostle Peter said in I Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Love does not have records of sin nor does it give up on others.

Love your brothers/sisters as Christ love us, your love can reach out to their stony heart and give you the desired results.

Confession:  I am a mentor to many all over the world. The whole world will hear about me and celebrate God for me.

Prayer: Father, make me Your ambassador on earth.

Special Appeal: This month edition is a special one, an appeal to our parent, a challenge to every child, an encouragement to every youth (especially female gender). Kindly read up and follow the series; (Zelophehad’s Daughters). It will be amazingly beautiful and expository to your walk with God and successes in this year.

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