The Gratitude of Life

The Gratitude of Life

When I was younger, once it’s the beginning of the new month, a man who lives beside our house will come out and put a block on top of the already existing block. At times it was half a block, the practice went on and on. 

I asked my mum, she told me that has been his practice since the time his wife got sick. 

When it’s half block the situation was very critical and barely survived, when it’s full block, she survived with slight challenges. Meanwhile you can count the no of full blocks. 

According to him, I am counting in months my pain and sorrow. Because the doctor has said she has just few months to live…

My mum will cook and ask us to go give them. With pity, I will just drop the food and leave.

It was tough for him, but somehow she  made it for 19 months.

After the demise of the wife, the husband during the burial challenged everyone who witness new month with their families  in good health and sound mind  to learn to be grateful. 

According to him, despite my pain, when I put a block on this site, I chant two things, Lord I’m in pain and sorrow because my wife is sick, please heal her, but if you are using her situation to teach me a lesson, please let your grace be sufficient for me. And for everything I received, I’m so grateful to you God. 

Tears dropped from our eyes as we listen to him recount his experience and story. The ability to witness a new month is a grace and opportunity to appreciate the giver of life. 

Nigeria is 62, but we are indeed in a serious mess, we are putting out blocks to recount our days/months of pain, but two things; all of these challenges will soon come to an end, let’s be hopeful, resolutely positive and engage our tools of faith and work. The second thing is we are coming into a new prosperous, blessed, righteous and trailblazing Nigeria, pray for NIGERIA.

May this 10th month bring to you and your family great testimonies and mouth opening miracles. 

God bless you richly. 

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