The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!

God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!

Whenever, we are going through some challenges and we know that some demons are messing up with us, this song is always on our lips.

There is an event recorded in 1 Kings 18, with which the song above stem from. Elijah had challenged the god of Baal as against the Almighty God. Elijah told the Israelites to stop hypocrisy and follow the right God, whether its Baal or God of Israel. So he challenged that he is a representative of God and they are representatives of Baal, and the God that answers by fire is God and the one everyone will serve.  They called on Baal and call but no fire came, Elijah filled the altar where the sacrifice is with water and when he called on God, fire descended to consume the sacrifice, water even the stones. And the people believed God. When Jezebel(King Ahab’s wife)  heard, she sworn to kill Elijah, do you know that the same Elijah that prayed the fire down, fled as a result of Jezebel’s threat in 1 Kings 19? When a threat is coming from a woman, please don’t joke with it, let God handle it for you, only God can vindicate and defend you. The enemy has made men trivialize the power a woman has, as a result, many men has been killed by one woman or the other.  That’s just by the way though…

Back to Elijah now, what do you think happened between the time he called down fire and when he fled from the enemy. Did he think God will abandon him and hand him over to Jezebel? Well, the bottom line is that he fled.

There are challenges that will shake us, shake our faith, shake our stand, shake our purpose, spin our head…,but what should we do at this point in time?

  1. Get a solitude. Stay away from noise to hear from God.  Luke 5:16 says; And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed. This has helped and will always do. Its simply a time to refill and refuel to move on.
  2. Be sincere with yourself and with God. You are alone with God and He can see you through and through. Its like when in a clinic, you don’t hide from your doc, do you? Psalm 139. Talk to God about everything.
  3. Let the Holy Spirit guide your utterance. Seal the next phase of your destiny with declarations. Because a challenge is a sign of a new level, whatever you say, can solidify or breakdown your purpose. Romans 8:26
  4. Be obedient to all that God will tell you. They are the ladder you climb to fulfilment. Joshua 1:7-8
  5. Help others up. You passed through that challenge so that your testimony can help those in similar situation, so you can’t afford the challenge to overwhelm you. Genesis 40:6-8
  6. Celebrate God and give God praise for a life of victory He has given you. Psalm 59:17
  7. Enjoy your Harvest! Be Joyful! Psalm 126:5-6, Isaiah 49:13

When challenges of life give you a head-spin, remember that “What God cannot do does not exist. Nothing is impossible with Him.”

Confession: My challenge is a stepping stone into greatness and another phase of my destiny, I will not be swept off by any challenge.  

Prayer: Father! Give me strength in time of my challenge. Help me up Lord and give me victory.

Special Appeal: Please don’t miss subsequent series in this month of June (The Exchange). Great are the lessons we will learn this month. Follow me in this series as I bring to you the mind of God for you this season. It will be amazingly beautiful and expository to your walk with God and successes in this year.

God bless you.

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