The Custodian – Series V(Last Series)

The Custodian – Series V(Last Series)

Series V Reward of a Custodian – Divine Set-up

In the previous series, we were able to analyse qualities of a good custodian and we have also discussed how God reacts to our motives. In this series, we will discuss the reward of a custodian.

Let me start by sharing this story…

I want to appreciate every one of you that have been working with me and supporting me as we move on in this ministry. But I sincerely appeal that there is an important and urgent need that we want everyone to be part of. Please, let us all close our account and bring the money”. This was the address of the founder in a meeting with the work force.

Everyone left devastated and wondered the meaning of this… Is this a sort of joke or something…

People went home with mixed feelings and decided to just sleep on it.

But a couple feel convinced to do as the founder have said. The next meeting, he asked how many of them did what he said, only the hands of the couple were raised. They both look round and saw they are the only one, they feel something is wrong with them as every other person can’t be wrong. But the Founder said, there won’t be need for it any more as the need has been met.

On his way home, the husband thought within himself, Am I sure I’m still normal, how will someone just ask me to do this, and under the conviction of faith, I just believed it’s the right thing to do…a PhD holder for that matter, an illiterate ask me to do this…he started scolding himself from within, when God spoke to him that he should not feel bad about the whole thing, because He will use that act of obedience, and when He does, no one will be able to object it.

The story above is the story of Pastor E.A. Adeboye of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. Who was already a Doctor of Mathematics as at the time He became the General Overseer of the church, today, he is one of the most influential citizen and a prominent pastor, he is indeed a wonderful man of God that can be attested that God truly called him.

Now, let us look back to the story, Does it sound or look like a divine set-up for him?

When God wants to make you a custodian, There are some things God expects you to pay attention to, let us consider some of these things:

He set you up with an instruction to follow:

When God wanted to set Abraham up, He called out to him, Abram, leave your country and your people to a place I will show you…Genesis 12.

Whatever instruction He is giving you this day, It’s a set up to your greatness and your bountiful reward. Pay attention, listen attentively and act promptly/accordingly.

  • And sometimes, like He did for Joseph, He can make you go through tough situations because he is setting you up. It all depends on the people/nations He is trying to build your influence around.
  • God will train you. Take you through difference classes, where you will write examinations (challenges/test of faith) and play out certain important roles for the Kingdom(your experiences makes you a better Child), Romans 8:19. It will all start with total obedience to God and paying attention to details.
  • God uses your experience to draw people’s heart to Him. When you talk from the knowledge of your experience, it creates an indelible reality that propels your audience to embrace and accept your standpoint/opinion.

God has indeed made available everything we need to be blessed by the Kingdom and to be a blessing to the Kingdom. You are a custodian when you accept the responsibility to be a child of God, Romans 8:14. and your reward begins from the earth as you enjoy many great benefits; good health, sound wisdom, wealth, prosperity, working of miracles, authority over darkness and its works, living a life of honour, beauty and grace…and indeed HEAVEN is the ultimate reward. Revelation 21:1-4

A custodian is expected to go through the listed below:

  1. Believe in Christ Jesus
  2. Accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour
  3. Be led by the Spirit of God to be a child of God
  4. Learn of Him and grow in Him by studying His Word (Bible) and obey all His instructions/commandment
  5. Pay attention to His leadings and submit yourself under His mighty power. James 4:7
  6. As you grow in Him, He prepare you for what He wants to put in your custody.
  7. He expects you to act as a good and perfect custodian.

Finally, every custodian knows that the Father does not condone sin, hence, our watchword is to be HOLY, RIGHTEOUS and PERFECT in Him. Our reward is given by Him, first of all, we will make it to Heaven, where there is no more death nor pain, nor sorrow, nor loss. John 14:1-3, Revelation 21:1-4. God will help us to be a good custodian and make it to heaven in Jesus name.

#Prayer for the one who wants to be a qualified custodian

Lord Jesus, I believe Your Word to me is true and its light. It has exposed my weaknesses and sin, forgive me Lord and count me worthy of the beautiful Kingdom You have gone to prepare. Mould me and make me Your good Ambassador. Help me not to fail You Lord in Jesus name.

#Prayer for the Custodians

Father, help me to be a good and perfect custodian. Everything You have committed into my hands, help me to keep it to fulfil Your purpose and do not let me miss my reward in Jesus name, Amen!

Thank you so much for reading through this series, if you are reading this last series of the Custodian, kindly read through the previous series on “The Custodian”, the link are below and watch out for the October series “Freedom to Sin”

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