The Custodian – Series IV

The Custodian – Series IV

Series 4: Qualities of a Custodian?

A custodian is someone who is entrusted with a valuable asset in order to prevent it from theft/loss or been wasted and also to tend such asset to multiplication or profit. A custodian can also be known as a caretaker, keeper, conservator… A custodian takes care, protects, and develops the asset into a profitable means.

In the last series, the discussion had been quite interesting, using the biblical story of David and Obed-Edom, we are able to delve into God’s principle as regards what He commits to your hand, the motive behind the way you carry it out and basically.

In this series, we will give a concise definition of custodian, what God can entrust in your hand and the qualities of a custodian. These qualities does not only signify how successful a custodian can be, but also where such custodian will end (heaven).

Things God can entrust in your hand:

  1. Gift: A gift in this case mean special skills as was the case with David in 1 Samuel 1:16-23,
  2. Assignment: God can give specific instruction/s to carry out a particular task in a place or in the life of someone. Like it was in the case of Jonah 1:1-2, in verse 3, Jonah ran away. It depends on how you handle it. If you run away, remember what happened to Jonah, if you stay to carry out the task, you will be glorified just as Jesus did.
  3. Burden: God can give you a burden for a particular thing or person. Please, do not ignore it. And burdens are not to weigh you down or keep you in a bad mood. When a burden becomes a concern, turn it over to God and ask God how He wants you to handle it.
  4. Instruction: God can give a one-off instruction, but know definitely that it is sacrosanct to your spiritual growth and others as well.
  5. Ministry: Having a ministry has gone beyond running a church or a parish. But also some specific area of interest/direction in any of the following 7 pillars of ministry; Family, (children, youth, marriage) politics, media and technology, religion, commerce(business), arts, education.
  6. Your family; husband/wife and children. You are the custodian over your family as a husband or wife. And God picks special interest in the life of those children.

Qualities of a Good Custodian

A good custodian must possess the 12 qualities below:

  1. Maintenance ability, when you can maintain what is in your care, you can account for it well and tend it to profit.
  2. He/she must be able to act as a Caretaker/guardian, who can be entrusted with a thing/property or person.
  3. He/she must be a good keeper, who can keep something/someone without loosing its value.
  4. He/she must be a conservator, who can preserve, protect, repair, restore and maintains what is in his/her custody.
  5. He/she must be a good Investor, who can invest his/her; time, money, resources, gift, ideas, experiences into what is in his/her care.
  6. He is she must be a good defender/protector. You must diligently guard what is in your care.
  7. You must be a good manager, thisdoes not just imply that a manager sees to the running of the company alone, but also to make profit and create atmosphere for expansion. You must manage both people, situations, opportunities and ideas well.
  8. This is very important trait of a good custodian. He/She must be able to follow instructions and take orders from God, the master of all custodians.
  9. Risk Manager. Risk can have positive or negative effect, when God guide you into what to do and where to go, despite the risk involved, you can come out profitably beneficial. However, experience, professionalism, people’s testimonies/warnings can help in better risk management.
  10. Diligent. Diligence is not just the ability to be persistent, but also consistent, stable and focused.
  11. Visionary –  As a custodian, God expects you to conceive a vision that is bigger than you, that is achievable with total reliance on God. He/She and  must be able to see what others cannot see. He/she must be ready and be prepared for the best. The ability to have an end in view is a great quality of a good custodian. Habakkuk 2:2-4, 
  12. Innovators – God gives His chosen special capability and ability, all these special must be used to the glory of God. Custodians will always think ahead, they can see the risk and opt to prevent it.

Watch out for the last series of The Custodian, where we will discuss God’s Divine set-up.

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