The Custodian Series III

The Custodian Series III

Series III – The Motive

In the last series, we discussed that for God to make you to a custodian, you will have to follow God’s guidelines and manual. The manual is the bible and the guidelines are the direct instructions He gives you.

In this series, we will discuss the motive. What was the motive behind keeping it How did they carry it into his house?

We weren’t at the scene, and what the bible records is that David took the Ark to the house of Obed-Edom. What was the motive? If it will kill anyone, let that person be someone insignificant as Obed-Edom. God saw that it was meant for evil for Obed-Edom, and turn it around for his good. This tells how significant and important our MOTIVE is.

To further explain this,

Let us consider the motives in this situation:

The motive of Uzzah and the motive of David via Obed-Edom

There are two, no three things about Uzzah that is important to the discussion of this motive;

  1. Uzzah was not a Levite. He is from Judah and should understand that the grace of God covered his family because the Ark was taken to his father’s house out of fear, just the same way it was taken to Obed-Edom’s house.
  2. Uzzah has been familiar with the Ark. It had been in their house for ages.. God must have blessed the house of Abinadab for this, but He also expect them to follow His principles. God love a sincere and genuine heart. The bible says in James 4:17: If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. Uzzah must have understood the guidelines about the Ark, but over-familiarity. It was in their house for ages and they are familiar with it so well. In fact, when the Ark was taken to the house of his father, Abinadab, who was of the tribe of Judah, the people had to consecrate his son Eleazar to be in charge of the Ark.

It is important to deal with God out of a sincere heart, other than over-familiarity that brings contempt.

  • Another thing again can be explained as eye-service. He must have thought within himself, The Ark meant so much to the king, let me save it so as to have gain the king’s favour (eye service). “Whatever you do in eye service, especially when it has to do with God carries death warrant…”Run From It”.” God is not a respecter of any person, He is seeking for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, not those who will deny him in public and worship Him in private. John 4:24

The difference between the two is scenario is that,

  1. God was trying to bring to David’s consciousness that He is a God of principle and does not joke with whatever He says.
  2. When your heart is sincere and pure towards Him, even if people meant evil for you, God will go to every length to defend you.
  3. When you obey authority, God will honour you. The king has spoken, Obed-Edom did not argue, and God honoured him. Even when it was the people that made the choice earlier, in the case of Abinadab, God still honoured Abinadab. I Samuel 7:1, I Chronicles 13: 13

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