RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 1

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 1

Day One
Bible Passage: Acts 2:46-47
Ministering: Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye

House Fellowship is very important in God’s plan for the Church.

House fellowship is important because it could not be locked down. The Church can start in your house.

House Fellowship:
In the house of Priscilla and Aquila and – Rm. 16:3-5

In the house of Nymphas -Col. 4:15.In the house of Philemon Philemon 1:3

1Kgs. 19:1-8 – Arise and fast.

There should be a Church in your house.

Our goal is to have a Church in every street.

Many of our fellowships abroad started from house Fellowship. In London, America,


  1. When Jesus is just passing by, He distributes miracles -Mk. 5:24-35, Mk. 10:46-52, Jn. 9:1-7.
  1. When God is visiting all the promises became fulfilled in one day. Gen. 18:1-14.
  2. The irreversible becomes reversed.
  3. When God dwells in your house because it is now a house Church,
    several things could happen:

A. No lack in the house – 1Kgs. 17:8-24.

B. Whatever danger is happening outside will not affect you. 1Kgs. 17:8-24.

*Ps. 91:1-19.

C. Death was compelled to vomit what it had swallowed because the One called the Ressurection and the Life was dwelling in the house.

D. 2 Sam. 6:1-12- the house of Obededom suddenly became the house of God and he had over-running blessing.

Obededom’s blessing became so big and could not be hidden and nations knew about it. Mal. 3:10-12. Ps. 23:5.

Obededom became a NATIONAL ENVY. Gen. 26:12-14. Rev. 3:20-

The Almighty God is already at your door knocking.

Father, You are welcome into my home. Everything I have is Your own. Come and make Your abode here! I will open my house for Your Church. Come and dwell in my home.

Click here for day 2

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