Pure Gold

Pure Gold

When I was young, I love reading “love novels” or i think its called “Romantic novels”, not knowing how polluting it was to my mind. I had gone to a friend’s house to collect a textbook and had met his brothers watching what I don’t know what its called, but later find out it was porn. Parent, please watch your kids move! Children are innocent and can pick any habit from anywhere. I think I was about 12years or thereabout, I was in senior secondary school then or just concluded my junior secondary education, I forgot about it until I started seeing the CD in people’s houses(Christians o), especially young couples (Hummmmm! Of a truth, I can say that there was a time some Christians really relied on porn for sexual performance), but I think Christians are wiser now to know that it is inborn just like a child naturally talks or walks. Well, my curiosity increased and I wanted to know what was in there… God saw that I was determined to know this, but its not healthy for me and this will definitely affect me, so He brought two remarkable things my way to help me.

Sex outside marriage is a knife stabbing the body and weakening the soul from flourishing

The first was, I was about fourteen years (14yrs), I read a book by Pst. Bisi Adewale, titled PURE GOLD. I held the book so dearly, that when people borrowed it, I kept buying new one. He wrote at the back of the book, can’t remember word for word, but he was simply saying, “If you marry as a virgin, get in touch with me, I have a special gift for you”… I never knew such words at the back of a book could help a teenage girl like me, Until I came face to face with sexual pressure and I remembered the gift a writer had promised me… As time goes on, 2years after, I met a wonderful sister (Sis. Tola), very pretty and lovely sister. She was 24 then and in a relationship. I had gone to greet an adopted Uncle of mine, and had to spend the night with her. That one night, not only helped me further, it strengthens me each time. She said to me, Look at me, I’m 24yrs and a virgin, if you are still a virgin, please keep yourself, it pays. She didn’t say further, I can’t remember why she didn’t, but I think the message had been passed. I decided there and then, that I will say this(what she said to me) to someone else by the time I will be 24years. I strengthen my boundaries with the opposite sex, but along the line, I did it wrongly. I had eye on my peers, thinking they are the molesting tool the enemy will use and set boundaries for them, not knowing the enemy is so experienced! The enemy then used the elderly, since there was no chance for the young and my peers (so to speak)… But, God is smarter than the devil. Thank God for His mercy and sufficient grace.

Some says its easy to keep yourself pure, some have a contrary opinion. Well, my generation is a group of smart and intelligent people. We know our right. We know how to defend our course and we are indeed very bold. We can speak up about anything because we have no restrictions in our mind. We are so independent and we know how to go about things, but the truth is, no matter how many clothes a young chap has, he/she can’t have used clothes as much as an elderly!

I once read that the Titanic sank because Rose and Jack had sex before marriage. Whether you argued that they weren’t betrothed to each other or not, sexual sin is against the body and can lead into covenant that brings about yoke, even death.

We are so smart, that our smartness has made us to believe that we can do away with sin, and that engaging in sin has no consequence… Ask Solomon! Ask Samson! In fact, Ask David (Bathsheba experience). There is always consequence for every sin, especially deliberate sins, out of “God will forgive me kind of heart”… The enemy is smart o, hummmmm! he is more experienced than you! Or you think the devil is a small boy! He had dealth with people from generation to generation. So, don’t let him sell the idea of explaining your sin away or thinking it through. The bible had said when you are faced with immorality, FLEE. 1 Corinthians 6:18

The bible also says in Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Marriage is not just a wedding ceremony, I will liken marriage to be what we experience as a result of a life prepared for from childhood. In other words, your life before you get married; which defines your values, beliefs and temperament is as a result of your choice of marriage, including the home you eventually build.

And even if you are deep into sexual sin, God can save you. His saving grace is available and can deliver your soul from destruction.

I’m saying to you today, I am not just above 24years, I have had experiences as regards sexual battle, some well fought, some I wrongly handled, but I say to you dear lovely, “If you are a virgin, please keep yourself, it pays. Pressure abounds, but you can be pure, it starts from your heart…keep your thoughts, your heart clean from all immoral pictures, videos, even talks(porn, movies, dirty articles, immoral and sexual triggering objects). Also, pray about it. Sex is good and I’m sure its amazingly fulfiling within marriage (married couples) only, when the enemy paint it to you, ask for strength from God and RUN. Don’t stay for negotiation, Not at all…RUN as fast as possible. Avoid that sister/brother, delete that video, delete that musical audio/video, delete that movie that turns you on…shutdown completely from the activating devices of sexual impurity.

Although, our experiences at childhood gave birth to many anomalies, but God will correct every of the anomalies and give us the right perspective and the complete life He wants us to live in Jesus name.

CONFESSION: I submit my sexual desire to you Lord. I choose to stay pure and holy in my generation to be example to many and even generations to come. So help me God!

PRAYER: Father, help me to protect my future like Joseph did, give me strength and let your grace be sufficient for me. Pressures will not overcome me. I choose the right path in Jesus name.

#PureGold #IfYou AreA VirginPleaseKeepYourselfItPays

Family Princess Abimbola Ige

Facebook: @Kings Family

E-mail: kfparkroyal@gmail.com

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