Loading…The Custodian Series

Loading…The Custodian Series

…God does not joke with His instructions and principles. God had instructed that only the Levite can handle the Ark, He meant it. The incidence was just in a way to remind David that the Ark is sacred and has a guideline/manual. David has forgotten that God is the God of principle and will not break it for anyone. Not even for Jesus. When God says the wages of sin is death in Romans 3:23, He meant it. Jesus had to die because He was carrying the sin of the whole world, both born then and unborn, as many that believe in Him shall be saved. Over 2000 years, His death is still insurance for us till date. This implies that, any sinner who believe in Jesus, confess his/her sins to Him and accept Him as his/her personal Lord and saviour will not die again, but shall be saved…

Watch out this September for the Custodian Series…



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