Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 KJV

There are many things that flood our mind in the process of desiring changes…

• I have never prayed like this before – But it seems it has been declared that no answer should be given.

• What is the essence of praying when God would not answer?

*** Many Nigerians even believe that the situation in this country is beyond prayer. We won’t stop trusting God nor stop praying.

• What is the essence of asking when you will not receive?

• Why will He say we should ask, when He won’t give?

• Why will He ask us to knock, when He won’t open the door?

• Why will He say we should seek, when He knows we won’t find?

• I have been trusting God for whom to marry for so long, now I am 35+ or 40+ or 50+ it doesn’t just worth it. Others are married and their children are even calling me…God knows whether mummy or auntie…(I am so angry with everything…)

• I prayed so hard, my mum’s faith was so strong even while on that hospital bed. Yet, she died! I just don’t understand why one will trust God…

* Where was God when the bandits were parading, killing kidnapping…

I can go on and on… The questions and anger outpour seems endless in the heart of the one who has been making request without a change of story or the one who supposedly called on God and didn’t seem to get the expected result.

So, am I here to defend God? No! He can defend Himself…in fact, everything that will ever happen to us He already sorted them out before they happen. So, relax, I am not here to prosecute you nor judge you. In Mark 8:11-13, Jesus made us realise that if you put God to test and you want God to give you a miracle in order to approve that He is real despite the fact that you already know He is, He might not answer you.

I just want to point out TEN things God wants you to see in all of these. So that you will not think that God has gone on holiday. All might not be applicable to you, but please be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as He directs your heart to pay attention to the following:

  1. God answers prayers irrespective of the way we interpret the result Ensure you continue asking and praying. What you see, whether someone died or someone lost his/her job or the visa wasn’t given… are all answer to prayers. As long as we believe and know that God is with us. See what Jesus said in John 16:32-33, Jesus told His disciples they will all leave Him, but the Father will not. Meanwhile remember He was carrying the sin of the whole world and God will not behold iniquity, yet He knew the Father will not forsake Him. Do you believe the Father won’t forsake you too?
  2. God said up till now, we have not ask enough…Be persistent in your request and don’t ever be discouraged. I Thess 4:17 admonishes us to pray without ceasing. That is, DON’T STOP PRAYING UNTIL YOUR STORY CHANGES. Be persistent and consistent in your prayers. It might seems not be easy, but God will give you the strength. He will make you stronger, better, wiser, and more equipped to stand against the devil’s plan and overcome his strategies. This will not only be evident to the enemy(the devil), but God sees and rewards it too.
  3. Again, God said our sins can make Him not to hear us. Stay away from sin and don’t allow the devil to stampede your blessings anymore. I did not sin… I trust and believe in God whole heartedly. Yes! God knows and sees everything. But let us consider the next thing that can hinder our prayers…
  4. When you have an idol in your heart… An idol here means a proposed answer to your prayers. God love it when His children are plain and sincere with Him. As much as He sees our heart, He still expects us to be sincere with Him and with ourselves. You are praying to God for a partner, and in your heart of heart, you are saying, God let it be this or that sister/brother… what do you expect Him to do…God cannot be mocked, whatever you sows, you will reap. If you sow confusion, what do you expect to reap? Even, if this particular brother/sister keeps coming to your mind, tell God about it. Lord, I can’t possibly keep this sister/brother out of my mind, are you trying to tell me something about him/her? Be sincere with God and with yourself. He is your Father, talk to Him about anything. He will speak to you. He will answer you.
  5. Another factor is lack of faith or unbelief. This is one thing that the enemy is using to cheat us. The enemy knows that if we can violate the word of God, He won’t hear us. And the Bible says, if we believe, we will see the glory of God. So, the enemy plants doubt in our heart, despite the fact that our words depict something else. But the doubt in our heart is stronger than we can possibly control. We want our marriage to work, but we kept on accepting the negative things happening in the family. Tell the devil, I am not seeing this anymore, I can see a happy home, a home where God is the director in charge and controller, and knowing fully well that whatever God controls cannot end in sorrow. Trust God that your marriage will work, and it will work. Trust God that no matter what the situation and circumstances is, you will be engaged this year, and you will.
  6. Lack of patience. Impatience is a virus that the enemy has injected into the life of believers. When you are impatient, you cannot wait on God, and when you can’t wait for Him, when your miracle comes, how will you receive it. Someone said, “If you appear before your time, you will disappear when your time comes”. God is trying to work everything out in your favour. Allow Him to do the full work on you, be patient with Him. Naomi told Ruth in Ruth 3:18, that she should sit still/be patient… you know the result. My sister/brother, sit still, be patient and allow God to work things out in His own way and at His own time. He is never late. Remember Lazarus case, “when He is four days late, He is still on time”.
  7. I call this one; Insensitivity. One of my Fathers in the Lord will always pray a prayer; “Father, when my miracle is near, please don’t let me misbehave”. At first I don’t understand the efficacy of that prayer until God began to open my eyes to blessings that one could miss out when you are not sensitive to His moves. God is telling you to start praying against the spirit of conspiracy. You said, me, I can never lie nor conspire against anyone. God forbid. God might be asking you to pray that prayer because the enemy are already conspiring against you and want to manipulate the blessings of God, and you are there saying God forbid. You better start praying as the Lord has laid it on your heart. When the Spirit of God moves you to do anything, and you are sure it is God, take a step immediately. This leads us to next thing. These last three are more of what we need to do other than what we didn’t do right…
  8. Obedience, be prompt in your obedience to God. Whatever God asks you to do, do it so that you can get your desired result. Mary the mother of Jesus told the servants in Matthew 2, when the wine finished at the wedding, she said, whatever He ask you to do, do it. And when they did, they got the powerful testimony that we still talk about it today. As you obey God this season, your testimony will be full in Jesus name.
  9. Proverbs 3:5-6, says trust in the Lord with all your heart(one), lean not on your own understanding(two) in ALL your ways acknowledge Him(three), and He shall direct your path(fourth). I see the fourth as the conclusion of the first three premises. In other words, if you want God to direct your path, knowing fully well that He can’t lead you to error, you have to trust Him with ALL YOUR HEART and lean not on your own understanding. You don’t have to believe any lie from the devil no matter how logical and coherent it might be. Also, acknowledge Him in all your ways. That is, in priority, put Him first in everything; in your life or even in the life of others, whether in; decision, choices, career…anything.
  10. Let your prayer be in agreement with the Holy Spirit, and the will of God for your life will come to pass. When the spirit of God says be patient, then be patient! When He says, this will lead to the glory of God, believe it!

You have done all these, and it still not changing your story, know that He has a beautiful plan. Rom 8:28 affirms it; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and to them who are the called according to His purpose” I heard someone say one day;

Sometimes, God calm the storm

Sometimes, God calm the sailor

Sometimes, He just let us swim.

Whatever you are passing through right now, is not for you, but to strengthen other people out there. So, don’t be discouraged, you are already victorious and you will be victorious. Your victory will not only empower you, it will empower others. By the time you are sharing your story, it will bring joy and strength to many.

Conclusion, God is never on holiday. He never sleeps nor slumber. He watches over you and gives you the best always. God will rise for you this year and He will give you a NEW SONG. Amen!

Reflection: If God hears all prayers, pray with Him with all sincerity and just trust Him for the outcome! He will never fail you.

God bless you!

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