Anytime when God visits people, it is either to fulfill promises, to bless, for instruction or judgments: Today God is still in the business of visiting people, families, churches and nations.

BIBLE TEXT(s): Gen 17:19, Exo 3:16 , 7:9 , Jer 23:2 Luk 1:68, 7:1


  1. Father, thank you for your Divine visitation upon our life
  2. Thank you for that visitation that brought your salvation to my life
  3. Father, I thank you for your ever-abiding presence I enjoyed in all my ways in Jesus name.
  4. Those that wait on God shall never be ashamed; Isa 49:23b Pray for the grace to remain in Christ no matter the challenge in Jesus name.
  5. Pray that God will visit all our brethren who are being afflicted to deliver them from their troubles in Jesus name
  6. Pray that God will visit all those oppressing and persecuting believers with judgment as He visited Pharaoh in Jesus name
  7. Father, do not visit me in your anger as you visited Korah, Dathan and Abiram and others in Jesus name. Num.16:29
  8. Father grant me life and favour, and let thy visitation preserved my spirit from evil in Jesus name Job10:12
  9. Father, visit all my strong enemies with your judgments in Jesus name

10.Father, visit every power resisting me from serving you in spirit and truth with your wrath in Jesus name

11.Father, visit all workers of evil in our land with judgment. Jer 10:15, 23:12

12.Father, your blessings makes rich, please visit my family with your blessings this season in Jesus name

13.Father, I am tired of the valley, visit me O Lord and take me to the mountain top of my life in Jesus name.

14.Father, visits all pastors and ministers that are agents in your church with judgment that will provoke them into true repentance in Jesus name

15.Father, when you visited Moses in the bush, his life was translated from
wondering to wonder, visit my life and family and make us a wonder to the world in Jesus name

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