April – Call It What It Is

April – Call It What It Is

They say its April FOOL!

Different people with different interpretations and definitions of the month of April.

Some say its April fool! People are fooled to believe what they want them to believe…

They fall for it…

Some say, its April Full, I asked full of what, fill in the gap, was the reply.

This is my response:

May All that you write in here be beautiful memories of God’s favour, honour and abundant blessings

This April 2021; It shall be FULL of great testimonies for you and your family. Everything you touch shall be blessed because your hands are blessed. Many will be blessed through you and find fulfilment through your impact in their lives.

Whenever you call one person, a thousand will respond to you.

The glory of your latter shall be greater than your former.

You will be amazingly fruitful and excellently favoured.

There shall be abundance in your barn of honour. Great shall be your peace.

Good news shall come to you both near and from afar.

The fullness of God shall be your portion and your beautiful heart desires shall be excellently achieved.

These will be your experience in this New month of April and throughout year 2021.

I value you always!

All your days in this month shall be exceptionally beautiful and graciously favoured.

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