When He Speaks, It is Done!

When He Speaks, It is Done!

Whenever God speaks, it is backed up with action. Whoever He is talking to, must engage in action; whether its human being or animal or place or thing…any noun factor.

God speaks because that’s who He is, John 1:1. God also speak because He is the only God that speaks, all other gods have handmade eyes, without seeing, handmade ears, they can’t hear with it. The post below gives insight to this…

Isaiah 7:14 said one of the most impossible things, one of the anti-nature, and one of the first of its kind miracle; Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

How can a virgin be pregnant? There were great miracles in the bible, red sea became a wall and form passage for the Israelites to pass, God told Abraham at 100, and Sarah at 90, that they will give birth, and it was so, the wall of Jericho fell flat without touching it, dry bones became a mighty human army, Lazarus came back to life after been buried for 4days, and the greatest of the greatest, Jesus rose from the dead after he was nailed to the cross and died…even His disciple, Thomas found it difficult to believe despite Jesus had said it. All these are pointer to us that once God has spoken it, every reproductive organ must obey. …what shall we say to these things?

Whatever He has said to you, will surely come to pass, why? Because He has spoken and when He SPEAKS, everything MUST obey.

Numbers 23:19 says; God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

If this will not convince you enough, see what Ecclesiastes 3:14 says; I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him

Why I am saying all these is that, God wants to change your life, and He has spoken it, but if you will not believe Him, it is left to you. God has played His part, you need to play yours by believing in His Word, trusting Him and praise Him till you receive His promise.

Will it be easy, oh! No!, it was not easy for the children of Israel to believe they would walk on dry ground at the sight of the red sea. It was not easy for Sarah to believe she would nurse her child at 90, in fact, she laughed to scorn. It was not easy for Mary and Martha who had called on Jesus to come and heal their brother, showing up after 4days he had been buried, saying to them Lazarus would live again. The only question Jesus asked Martha was if she believed; you could sense doubt in her response, but Jesus was able to establish that she still believed in Him.

Even if the situation staring is pointing death to you and you don’t believe any change can come, please hold on to your believe in Jesus, don’t let it shake, because, that is enough for that situation to turnaround.

Your experience right now might be confirming the doctor’s report. Your experience right now might be confirming your family history. Your experience right now might be enforcing the curse placed on you…but  Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentation 3:37.

I charge you today to believe God and live. He will definitely not put you to shame, see how Psalm 25:3 puts it.

I will conclude with my favourite song by Joyous Celebration Wait on the Lord, He knows what you need. He will give you just in time, wait on the Lord as you mount up with wings as eagle, wait on the Lord.

One thing I know that is definite in my heart is that, WHEN HE SPEAKS, IT IS DONE. May this be your experience in Jesus name.

Please pray right NOW and ask God to remember His promise to you and also give you grace to wait for the fulfilment of His Word. God bless you.

Picture Credit: Internet

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