Zelophehad’s Daughters – An Expiry Date (Conclusion) Series IV

Zelophehad’s Daughters – An Expiry Date (Conclusion) Series IV

veryman has the tendency of making impact in this world, although not all eventually do. A covenant was upon Isaac, which was passed to Jacob and Jacob needed to pass it to one of his children, it then landed on Joseph. Why Joseph? Why not Reuben, Levi, Simeon or any other child? The other children were able to make impact through their generation, not directly through them. Only Joseph made himself available to carry the baton, which the generation of the other tribes later enjoyed. Genesis 49.

God is still looking for the Mary, whom He can turn into a wonder and perform great manifestation through them. God is looking for a Joseph, who will carry on the promise, a Daniel, a David, an Elisha, a Deborah, a John the Baptist, an Isaiah etc. God don’t have to wait eternally; you are not growing younger so is the world. The world will soon come to an end and we must all be in the position of fulfilment. The Lord bring us through it in Jesus name, Amen.

Every vision has an expiry date so is any struggle. God told Abraham in Genesis 15:13-16 that his children will be a slave in Egypt for 400years, and that afterwards, He will deliver them. It took God extra 30years to achieve this. Exodus 12:40-41.

Every challenge has an expiry date, but are you elongating the life-span. One of the ways food is preserved is through frozen process, are you putting your challenges in the freezer to preserve it and elongate its expiry date? How can this be;

01 Through unbelief. Hebrews 11:6 makes it very clear But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Nothing makes us so vulnerable as a life full of hopelessness and unbelief. James 1 explains the fate of a life of unbelieve. James 1 explains the fate of such people; “ But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 

02 Through sin. Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sin is a freezer that extends the expiration of our struggles and if it stays refrigerated, it can kill our purpose in life.

The other emphasis today is the decree of Pharaoh in Exodus 1:22. The king decreed that all the boys should be killed, but the girls should be spared, why?

Read through Exodus 1, you will observe that the Israelites were subjected to slavery because they were becoming greater than the Egyptians and they know that the existence of the male and female resulted to this. What this implies is that they could see that the seed of the woman through the man is what brought about a formidable life they lived. Hence, Pharaoh devise a means of changing the supplier of seed(male), but maintaining the keeper and incubator of seed(female). Once the males are killed, the female will not have a choice than to marry Egyptians and produce seeds for them. You are delivered from every power that want to craftly kill your vision now in Jesus name.

The Zelophehad’s daughters realised how powerful a woman can be if she displays wisdom and submission. That is exactly what they did and they got the result.

Conclusively, When we have faith in God, it makes God to be proud of us. Genesis 15:6 says Abram believed God and it was counted for him as righteousness. Whenever you act in faith, you are acting in love, and when you act in love, your request will definitely be granted. Through faith, wisdom, submission, respect, holiness, righteous living you can bring an expiration to your struggles. Take the bold step in faith. Whether you are male or female, your right as a Child of GOD is preserved and if used properly can bring about the change you so desire.

Confession:  I receive faith that can move mountains and bring expiration to all my struggles

Prayer: Father, help me to have faith in you.

Special Appeal: This month edition is a special one, an appeal to our parent, a challenge to every child, an encouragement to every youth (especially female gender). Kindly read up and follow the series; (Zelophehad’s Daughters). It is amazingly beautiful and expository to your walk with God and successes in this year.

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