The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

Jesus came not just to show us the true character to live by as children of God, but He also lived it.

Psalm 128 says: Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the LORD.

This part is a summary of the first three series, while it pays attention to three aspects of Jesus’ character that can lead us to greatness and fulfilment.

Jesus exhibited;

  1. High level of INTEGRITY,

Looking at 3 practical examples of Jesus to explain the above:

  1. Integrity is an important word because it has to do with how we react, relate and deal with other people. John 11 gave an account of Jesus’ encounter with a family of three. Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Lazarus was sick to death, they sent for Jesus, he gave His word that He would come. Before He came, Lazarus had died, but Jesus rose him up after the 4th day. What does this imply? When they sent for Jesus He promised to come and He did. It seems it was late, but He knew its to the glory of God. Some of us, we know we aren’t going to do something, yet we would promise heaven and earth to fulfil it. Jesus said in Matthew 5:37;  But let ]your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. What you will not eat, do not sniff it and don’t promise what you have made up your mind not to do.

Some of us hide under, man is liable to err. Please desist. Say what you mean and mean what you say. As children of God, our presence must bring joy, confidence, good character, light, peace, progress to others… BE LIKE JESUS!

  • Virtually throughout His sojourn on earth, Jesus relied solely on the Heavenly grace by praying to the Father always. To the extent that the disciples coveted to also be able to pray like He did, when they ask Him in Luke 11 and Matthew 6 that He should teach them to pray. Prayer is the key that unlocks any door and can shut any door. In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus gave an expressive example of how prayers(consistent prayers) can transform situation and bring about good result. A wicked judge avenged a widow because of her consistent request to him. Verse 7 says, And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

Elijah prayed till he got his desired result. In I Kings 18:41, he said, to the king Ahab, …“Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” 

When you have prayed and you know God has answered your prayers, it brings about confidence and clear directions/instructions that brings about great results.

  • God did not take obedience to His instructions with levity. That’s why He provided us with a detailed manual (the Bible), so no one will form excuse. Jesus obeyed authority, both divine and earthly authorities and they were documented to show us a practical example of a meaningful life. When Jesus was arrested and about to be put to death, even Pilate said he found nothing against him….no basis. It shows Jesus was law abiding citizen.

As a citizen of your beloved country and as a Christian, are you law abiding? God expects us to obey authorities, if we obey God, we will obey authorities He puts above us. Jesus had to tell Peter to get money from the mouth of fish, just to pay temple tax, Matthew 17:24-27. Are you a tax payer in the country you live or you are trying to find a way around it? My government is not doing anything for me, but you live on the soil. God placed you there for a reason, please learn from Jesus and follow His ways. Psalm 119:1

In conclusion, Some people have chosen what to believe in the Bible. They leave the instructions and pick the blessing. They have forgotten that it’s a pair. Obedience to the instruction leads to blessing, and vice versa.

When you think God’s ways are too complex to be followed, remember Psalm 128 and 119:1 says blessed are those who follow God’s way and obey His instructions. The experience and training God takes you through is determined by your purpose. When you pay attention to all of God’s instructions to you, you are heading to living a successful life.

Confession: In this new year, I will live for God. I receive grace to fear You, to walk in Your ways and to keep Your Your Words in my heart. Psalm 119:-1-2, 128:1-4, Joshua 1:7-8

Prayer: Father, Help me to be like You; in action, words, thoughts, reaction, obedience, submission to authority of God and man, seeking You diligently…Help me God. Amen!

You will not want to miss the February series of SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY. Fantastic and interesting series, faith-building and loaded with amazing insights. Watch out and God bless you.

I Love You.

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