There is A King in You: Solitude (Series IV)

There is A King in You: Solitude (Series IV)

God is not looking for service, He is looking for fellowship. When the Bible says in John 4:24 that God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth, He is saying that those who will spend time with ME to know me, you can’t spend such time with someone you don’t love, nor with someone you don’t respect. That is the true definition of WORSHIP. Worship is not engaging in slow songs to praise God, but engaging in solitude to KNOW GOD.
The choir in church lead us to worship, it means, they lead us to have FELLOWSHIP with God. Worship is not singing, it is an ATTITUDE. He is not looking for the nice people, He is looking for the committed people. Committed to His relationship with them. People who will wake up in the middle of the night, and say Father, let’s talk, as we were saying yesterday before I slept... God will never keep any secret from you if you walk in that terrain. Ask Abraham. Genesis 18:16-17

There is A King in You: King’s Marriage (Series III)

There is A King in You: King’s Marriage (Series III)

Marriage comes out of a need of two people. The man needed someone to express love to; a companion (woman) and confidant, the woman needed someone to submit to in order to live in fulfilment, and both of them have a need to fulfil the purpose of God through each other.

2. Aside that the man and woman also saw the need for each other to be together, they also agreed on this together. Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together except they agree?” The answer is NO!. When the enemy want to destroy a purpose, they bring two people of opposite view/goal together, at times without both of them realising it, they will assume they agreed together. God’s principle will never change, these two people MUST agree together before a union stands. Whether it is by deception or force or willingly, agreement is KEY! But how can we explain a marriage that hit the rock and scatter after such a beautiful and glorious wedding ceremony. While some are enjoying their marriages.

There is A King in You Series II: The King’s Business

There is A King in You Series II: The King’s Business

Every child of God need to pay attention to the parable of the talent. It will give you the wisdom to avoid envy and pay attention to your management skill. The capacity of what you have is dependent on what you can manage. God gave you a seed so you can return fruit. That is...

There is A King in You: Introduction (Series 1)

There is A King in You: Introduction (Series 1)

There are two powerful scriptures that gave an insight about one of the important things to possess as a child of God: Job 32:8 8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Isaiah 11:2  And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit...