The Exchange – Emotional Doctors (Multitude Counsel) – Series V

The Exchange – Emotional Doctors (Multitude Counsel) – Series V

Counsel is the right word spoken as a guide in a given situation. Counselling is a mutual effort put in place to reduce or manage or put an end to an existing challenge.
“If you have good counsel, you are a king”, my foster mum will always say. And honestly, the word of God makes it true Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counsellors there is safety, Proverbs 11:14.

There are three categories of counsellors; professional counsellors, godly counsellors, but then, there are godly professional counsellors.

The first is good, the second is better and the last option is the best. Who is a professional counsellor?

The Exchange – Power versus Glory – Series IV

The Exchange – Power versus Glory – Series IV

When God created man (male/female) in the beginning, He gave us both collective and individual responsibility. That’s a whole teaching…loading… According to Genesis 1:28-30, God gave us a collective responsibility, and in Genesis 2, we found some of man’s responsibility as it was in the beginning; They are; work and nurturing. The Lord God took the man...

The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

The Exchange – Head Spin – Series III

God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!
God of Elijah send down fire! God of Elijah send down fire!

Whenever, we are going through some challenges and we know that some demons are messing up with us, this song is always on our lips.

There is an event recorded in 1 Kings 18, with which the song above inaugurated from. Elijah had challenged the god of Baal as against the Almighty God. Elijah told the Israelites to stop hypocrisy and follow the right God, whether its Baal or God of Israel. So he challenged that they are representative of Baal and he is a representative of God, and the God that answers by fire is God and the one everyone will serve. They called on Baal and call but no fire came, Elijah filled the altar with water and when he called on God, fire descended to consume the sacrifice, water even the stones. And the people believed God. When Jezebel(King Ahab’s wife) heard, she sworn to kill Elijah, do you know that the same Elijah that prayed

The Exchange – Blessing Is Locational – Series II

The Exchange – Blessing Is Locational – Series II

Despite Jacob got the blessing from his father, did he walk in the blessing?
I think the first question we should treat is, if his mother had not tricked, would he had gotten the blessing?
Now to answer the latter, I will posit a clearer picture with a question; the blessing he got, didn’t he needed the blessing of the angel to fully walk in it? Whatever you get through unholy means; deceit, tipping, bribery cannot take you to the promised land, instead it will slow you down.
Jacob’s presence in Panddan-aram was not by accident, but he was not supposed to spend such a long time there. Because of Jacob’s deceit, he found himself in the wrong location, in a strange land. Hence, the blessing was in disguise not working optimally for him. It took the intervention of the blessing of the angel for him to walk in the reality of his blessing.

The Exchange – …Love Above God – Series I

The Exchange – …Love Above God – Series I

A statement was alleged to Abraham Lincoln, the American 16th President, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” He believed that America is a freedom nation and the freedom cannot be taken away by a stranger except the Americans themselves.
Lincoln’s ideology is similar to what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25; …“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand