Confession Challenge – Day #2

Confession Challenge – Day #2

It is written “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.” I walk in the reality of His Word, which gives direction, guidance, life and restoration from sin and sadness. I am holyI am perfectI am righteous because it is my Father’s nature. I am not of the...

Confession Challenge – Day #1

Confession Challenge – Day #1

It is written “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; Yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: My reins also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not...

What Do You See

What Do You See

This New Year got me thinking about so many things…among which is a question lingering and ringing in my head like a bell. Which is;What can I see in 2023?God challenged Abraham after Lot had gone, the LORD said to Abram, “Look as far as you can see in every direction—north and south, east and...

Working in Doubt?

Working in Doubt?

It is confusing to try to figure out why God would give instructions to Moses, after all the bickering back and forth, didn't kill him or even punish him for his doubt and reluctance. Yet on his way to carry out his assignment, God struck him with the intention of death. I will like to point

The Gratitude of Life

The Gratitude of Life

According to him, despite my pain, when I put a block on this site, I chant two things, Lord I’m in pain and sorrow because my wife is sick, please heal her, but if you are using her situation to teach me a lesson, please let your grace be sufficient for me. And for everything I received, I’m so grateful to you God.

Tears dropped from our eyes as we listen to him recount his experience and story. The ability to witness a new month is a grace and opportunity to appreciate the giver of life.

May this 10th month bring to you great testimonies and mouth opening miracles

The Whistle

The Whistle

The starting whistle has just been blown. ...Be strong and courageous. Do not be...

Emotional Affairs

Emotional Affairs

Let me share an emotional cheating scenerio:

He flows easily with female gender, some even label him "romantic". When his marriage suffers, he gladly shift focus to emotional affairs option. Gets involved with an interesting, intelligent, smart, funny lady, with whom he spent as many times as he desires in the name of work or busy. The chemistry was obvious, but no sex neither did it ever occur? But, must you wait till then!

They made a connection with each other every morning, and their chats became more and more personal. He definitely talked to her about anything, although all in a way to satisfy his emotional hunger. "I talk to her about anything, including my wife, because my marriage was so unhappy. She really know how to satisfy my emotional needs.
Really! Okay! Bravo!

Just One Sign!

Just One Sign!

When there is change of story, there is an end to long-awaited time. God will change your story this year and cause abundant rain of blessings to fall upon your life and marriage in Jesus name.

Waiting and feeling depressed/frustrated in the Kingdom principle is a NO! Proverbs 3:5-6 affirms that if you trust in the Lord He will direct your path, and Isaiah 49:23b crowns it that if you wait on the Lord, you will not be ashamed. Peace during waiting is a sign of TRUST. And when you trust God, he reciprocates with your desired miracles.
Waiting period is not a wasted period if you chose to wait with GOD. Sometimes, its God training and teaching you to be a tough soldier.

At times, all you need is persistency to get that one sign like Elijah did in 1 Kings 18, be consistent, be patient for God to bring about your desired change and He will. Don’t quit until you see that one sign that will land your miracles into your hand. If the Prophet of God has been tired after the 6th time, what would have happened? Don’t give up! Help is on the way for you.

The Cape Relationship

The Cape Relationship

My heartfelt goes to singles who got their heart broken and thinks that is the end of the world. Well, you might say, “You don’t seem to understand, I know what God told me…” and you go on and on. Yes! I cannot understand because I was not the one who is going through it as you. There is an effect a broken trust has on the participants, please, ensure not to allow a broken relationship to have the effect of a broken marriage. It’s a relationship, not a marriage, so, if you think it is a manipulation from the pit of hell, follow Paul’s admonition, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee”. Stand up and take your stand with God, and let God take over. But, if God says you should move on, then, move on.

I met a lady, who was in this kind of situation, and while she was praying, God told her to forget about the brother, she thought it was her mind that was deceiving her. She undergone emotional torture for 2 and a half years before she realized that God had given her the antidote, but she just didn’t accept the offer and she only realized that when she saw the guy was married. Meanwhile, God might be asking you to stand up and speak His word to confront the enemy Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him(the devil) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony;… In this case, let the word of God be your testimony. Speak what God has told you, and the confirmation He has given to you from His word, and let God take over. Don’t allow the enemy to get at you, as you speak His Word concerning the situation, just act as if nothing happened, to the lady, he will come back with a proposal and to the man, she will come back right on her knee to tell you she is sorry, and she is ready to be your true suitable helper.

My Company!

My Company!

There are close to 8Billions people in the world, no one has the same voice as the other, at times there are similarities, but never the same. This means there are as many voices in the world as there are people. Voices are conveyed in form of ideas, suggestions, counsels, books, movies/drama etc. You attract...