Not In Chains

Not In Chains

"I aborted for him twice because he said he would marry me and that he is not ready to be a father yet. Each time I accepted, he showered me with so much love that I got so fooled to believe him," Blessing said as tears rolled down on the wedding invitation before her. "Will God ever forgive me?" She looked up as if seeking approval or disapproval...

The Journey of FAITH

The Journey of FAITH

As you delight yourself in the Lord, may all your desires find fulfilment. May your paths be lined with success, your hearts with love, and your days with moments that make beautiful memories.

Have faith in God and His Word, and you will enjoy favour and abundant blessings. This year 2024, I choose to walk with God in FAITH, how about you?

Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

In the tapestry of Christian life, there exists a divine garden—one that blooms with qualities so radiant and profound that as a Christian, you have the power to transform not just the lives of individuals but also the world around you. This garden is the Fruit of the Spirit, a gift bestowed upon us by God's grace, an exquisite spiritual bouquet that infuses our lives with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. as recorded in Galatians 5:22-23.

Perfect Grace

Perfect Grace

The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 This month, you will burst out in singing and dancing. Great grace will work out perfection in your life....

Let Your Future Be The Judge

Let Your Future Be The Judge

You cannot feature in a future you did not picture. This is a rhyming statement popularly chorused by most motivational speakers. The truth of this statement is not only real but also emphatically proven according to Proverbs 23:7, as a man thinks in his heart so is he. What you think is the substance that...

Eleven/Twenty Twenty-Two

Eleven/Twenty Twenty-Two

All things are possible to them that believe and have faith in God. Has God promised you that this year, it shall manifest and you think its already 11/22, Have

Let your future be the judge!

Let your future be the judge!

You cannot feature in a future you did not picture. This is a rhyming statement popularly chorused by most motivational speakers. The truth of this statement is not only real but also emphatically proven according to Proverbs 23:7, as a man thinks in his heart so is he. You say what you think and you...



The questions and anger outpour seems endless in the heart of the one who has been making request without a change of story or the one who supposedly called on God and didn’t seem to get the expected result.
Am I here to defend God? No! He can defend Himself…in fact, everything that will ever happen to us He already sorted them out before they happen. So, relax, I am not here to prosecute you nor judge you. In Mark 8:11-13, Jesus made us realise that if you put God to test and you want God to give you a miracle in order to approve He is real despite the fact that you already know He is, He...

Just One Sign!

Just One Sign!

When there is change of story, there is an end to long-awaited time. God will change your story this year and cause abundant rain of blessings to fall upon your life and marriage in Jesus name.

Waiting and feeling depressed/frustrated in the Kingdom principle is a NO! Proverbs 3:5-6 affirms that if you trust in the Lord He will direct your path, and Isaiah 49:23b crowns it that if you wait on the Lord, you will not be ashamed. Peace during waiting is a sign of TRUST. And when you trust God, he reciprocates with your desired miracles.
Waiting period is not a wasted period if you chose to wait with GOD. Sometimes, its God training and teaching you to be a tough soldier.

At times, all you need is persistency to get that one sign like Elijah did in 1 Kings 18, be consistent, be patient for God to bring about your desired change and He will. Don’t quit until you see that one sign that will land your miracles into your hand. If the Prophet of God has been tired after the 6th time, what would have happened? Don’t give up! Help is on the way for you.

The Cape Relationship

The Cape Relationship

My heartfelt goes to singles who got their heart broken and thinks that is the end of the world. Well, you might say, “You don’t seem to understand, I know what God told me…” and you go on and on. Yes! I cannot understand because I was not the one who is going through it as you. There is an effect a broken trust has on the participants, please, ensure not to allow a broken relationship to have the effect of a broken marriage. It’s a relationship, not a marriage, so, if you think it is a manipulation from the pit of hell, follow Paul’s admonition, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee”. Stand up and take your stand with God, and let God take over. But, if God says you should move on, then, move on.

I met a lady, who was in this kind of situation, and while she was praying, God told her to forget about the brother, she thought it was her mind that was deceiving her. She undergone emotional torture for 2 and a half years before she realized that God had given her the antidote, but she just didn’t accept the offer and she only realized that when she saw the guy was married. Meanwhile, God might be asking you to stand up and speak His word to confront the enemy Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him(the devil) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony;… In this case, let the word of God be your testimony. Speak what God has told you, and the confirmation He has given to you from His word, and let God take over. Don’t allow the enemy to get at you, as you speak His Word concerning the situation, just act as if nothing happened, to the lady, he will come back with a proposal and to the man, she will come back right on her knee to tell you she is sorry, and she is ready to be your true suitable helper.

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