Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

Blossoming in Faith: The Sweet Harvest of the Fruit of the Spirit

In the tapestry of Christian life, there exists a divine garden—one that blooms with qualities so radiant and profound that as a Christian, you have the power to transform not just the lives of individuals but also the world around you. This garden is the Fruit of the Spirit, a gift bestowed upon us by God's grace, an exquisite spiritual bouquet that infuses our lives with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. as recorded in Galatians 5:22-23.

Eleven Twenty-Two

Eleven Twenty-Two

All things are possible to them that believe and have faith in God. Has God promised you that this year, it shall manifest and you think its already 11/22



The questions and anger outpour seems endless in the heart of the one who has been making request without a change of story or the one who supposedly called on God and didn’t seem to get the expected result.
Am I here to defend God? No! He can defend Himself…in fact, everything that will ever happen to us He already sorted them out before they happen. So, relax, I am not here to prosecute you nor judge you. In Mark 8:11-13, Jesus made us realise that if you put God to test and you want God to give you a miracle in order to approve He is real despite the fact that you already know He is, He...

Emotional Affairs – Note to Singles

Emotional Affairs – Note to Singles

A man said to me after reading the last post on "Emotional Affairs" or rather "Emotional Cheating", that he just have to find an alternative to his adamant challenge. He said and I quote, "My wife doesn't know how to kiss". I said, "Ehn! Ehn! Teach her na!", then he said,...

Emotional Affairs

Emotional Affairs

Let me share an emotional cheating scenerio:

He flows easily with female gender, some even label him "romantic". When his marriage suffers, he gladly shift focus to emotional affairs option. Gets involved with an interesting, intelligent, smart, funny lady, with whom he spent as many times as he desires in the name of work or busy. The chemistry was obvious, but no sex neither did it ever occur? But, must you wait till then!

They made a connection with each other every morning, and their chats became more and more personal. He definitely talked to her about anything, although all in a way to satisfy his emotional hunger. "I talk to her about anything, including my wife, because my marriage was so unhappy. She really know how to satisfy my emotional needs.
Really! Okay! Bravo!

MAY is Gracious

MAY is Gracious

I was in the euphoria of our birthday celebration. My sister was 8 and I was 5. I was the happiest girl in the world; laughing, dancing, singing, eating and drinking. Each time I watch the video, somehow, I just knew I was a celebrity that day. What made it special was that it was...

The Unmade Man

The Unmade Man

Whenever we want to embark on a project or create a template, we always have an end in mind. Whenever a tailor wants to sow, he/she has an end in mind before starting. Whenever a woman wants to cook, she has an end in mind. Whenever we want to start a journey, we always have an end in mind. In essence, everything we do has a proposed end; from schooling, to getting a job, to getting married, including serving God.

When He Speaks, It is Done!

When He Speaks, It is Done!

Even if the situation staring is pointing death to you and you don’t believe any change can come, please hold on to your believe in Jesus, don’t let it shake, because, that is enough for that situation to turnaround.
Your experience right now might be confirming the doctor’s report. Your experience right now might be confirming your family history. Your experience right now might be enforcing the curse placed on you…but Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentation 3:37.
I charge you today to believe God and live. He will definitely not put you to shame, see how Psalm 25:3 puts it...

How God Speaks

How God Speaks

1. God speaks through peace and joy. Anyone who is not born-again cannot boast to have peace. In John 14:27, Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And Psalm 23:2 says, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. When your peace and joy leaves, even in place of prayer, especially when there is no physical reason for it, it’s a language in the realm of the spirit, please don’t ignore it.
Put differently, when you lack explanation as to why you did not have peace over a matter, whatever stage you are, please stop and ask God about it.
The language of peace and joy are...

The Exchange – Emotional Doctors (Multitude Counsel) – Series V

The Exchange – Emotional Doctors (Multitude Counsel) – Series V

Counsel is the right word spoken as a guide in a given situation. Counselling is a mutual effort put in place to reduce or manage or put an end to an existing challenge.
“If you have good counsel, you are a king”, my foster mum will always say. And honestly, the word of God makes it true Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counsellors there is safety, Proverbs 11:14.

There are three categories of counsellors; professional counsellors, godly counsellors, but then, there are godly professional counsellors.

The first is good, the second is better and the last option is the best. Who is a professional counsellor?