The Custodian Series III

The Custodian Series III

The difference between the two is scenario is that,
a. God was trying to bring to David’s consciousness that He is a God of principle and does not joke with whatever He says.
b. When your heart is sincere and pure towards Him, even if people meant evil for you, God will go to every length to defend you.
c. When you obey authority, God will honour you. The king has spoken, Obed-Edom did not argue, and God honoured him. Even when it was the people that made the choice earlier, in the case of Abinadab, God still honoured Abinadab. I Samuel 7:1, I Chronicles 13: 13

The Custodian Series II

The Custodian Series II

David has forgotten that God is the God of principle and will not break it for anyone. Not even for Jesus. When God says the wages of sin is death in Romans 3:23, He meant it. Jesus had to die because He was carrying the sin of the whole world, both born then and unborn, as many that believe in Him shall be saved. Over 2000 years, His death is still a saving grace for us out of sin till date. This implies that, any sinner who believe in Jesus, confess his/her sins to Him and accept Him as his/her personal Lord and saviour will not have to die for his/her sin again, but shall be saved. Because Jesus has paid the price once and for all.

The Custodian Series

The Custodian Series

David was so enthusiastic about bringing the Ark to Jerusalem(David’s City), but he changed his mind when on their way from the house of Abinadab, Uzzah died as a result of trying to save the Ark of God from falling. How did this happen and what is God trying to teach us? The Ark was placed on an Oxen, which was a major mistake David made. The Ark has a guideline and ways it should be carried. This will be discussed more in series II (God of Principle). The Oxen had slipped and the Ark tilted to fall, as Uzzah stretched his hand to save it, he was struck dead. The death of Uzzah scared King David, if the Ark can kill the son of whom the Ark has been for years, I better be wise. Instead of moving it to David’s city, he instructed that the Ark should be kept in Obed-Edom’s house.

Loading…The Custodian Series

Loading…The Custodian Series

God is the God of principle and will not break it for anyone. Not even for Jesus. When God says the wages of sin is death in Romans 3:23, He meant it. Jesus had to die because He was carrying the sin of the whole world...

The Royal Scepter

The Royal Scepter

Hebrews 1:8-9 says8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Royalty is not a...

Pure Gold

Pure Gold

I’m saying to you today, I am not just above 24years, I have had experiences as regards sexual battle, some well fought, some I wrongly handled, but I say to you dear lovely, “If you are a virgin, please keep yourself, it pays. Pressure abounds, but you can be pure, it starts from your heart…

The Queen/Princess and Her Body

The Queen/Princess and Her Body

Your monthly cycle is almost as unique as your fingerprint. It differs from one woman to another...
Ovulation is the release of an egg from an ovary. This is your most fertile period in your cycle. The egg only lives for up to 24 hours unless fertilized by a sperm. If it is not fertilized within 24hrs, the egg will die.

I Love Her

I Love Her

Many of us grow up doubting the love of God because of the relationships we have with others. Broken relationships, hurt from others, or even our own bad choices and cause us to doubt why God would choose to love us.