There is A King in You: King’s Marriage (Series III)

There is A King in You: King’s Marriage (Series III)

Marriage comes out of a need of two people. The man needed someone to express love to; a companion (woman) and confidant, the woman needed someone to submit to in order to live in fulfilment, and both of them have a need to fulfil the purpose of God through each other.

2. Aside that the man and woman also saw the need for each other to be together, they also agreed on this together. Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together except they agree?” The answer is NO!. When the enemy want to destroy a purpose, they bring two people of opposite view/goal together, at times without both of them realising it, they will assume they agreed together. God’s principle will never change, these two people MUST agree together before a union stands. Whether it is by deception or force or willingly, agreement is KEY! But how can we explain a marriage that hit the rock and scatter after such a beautiful and glorious wedding ceremony. While some are enjoying their marriages.



She awake into the cold weather to give her family warmth
She starts the day with a compass
Compass of the right direction
Her family is the first file on her table
Their welfare is her goal and mission

She awake into giving them the meal of health
She goes for what is healthy
She practically brings home healthy meal
Nothing makes her glad than a healthy family
Nothing brings joy to her than to see a peaceful family

When the member of staff (husband/children) do well,
They pay homage to her
Their success is as a result of her selflessness
Their prowess is as a result of her strength
Their excellence is as a result of her wisdom

I only go out there to succeed because you create the atmosphere for me
Her husband has confessed
My colleagues envy me for my good grades
I told them you do everything possible to ensure I lack nothing
You are the reason we succeed

She is an epitome of beauty and greatness
She birth success by her hardwork and trust in God
She is wise and prudent
She is industrious and indefatigable
She is a great manager

She taught them in the way of the Lord by been example herself
She shows them how to get to the Father
By kneeing with them in prayers
She is not moved by challenges,
because her knees are not far to the ground

She is a woman of honour that needs to be honoured everyday!
Happy Mother’s Day to you ma’am!
May you live to see many more of this day in goodhealth, soundmind and enlargement!
You are blessed beyond measure
I celebrate you today and always!

You are indeed a great manager carting the company(your home) into excellence, greatness, expansion, honour, abundance, glory, peace, joy, hope, enlargement, dominion…Its your season to FLY mama!

I love you!

There is A King in You Series II: The King’s Business

There is A King in You Series II: The King’s Business

Every child of God need to pay attention to the parable of the talent. It will give you the wisdom to avoid envy and pay attention to your management skill. The capacity of what you have is dependent on what you can manage. God gave you a seed so you can return fruit. That is...

Women of Inestimable value

Women of Inestimable value

Lovely great Mummy!I just want to use this medium to celebrate the grace of God upon your live as a darling wife, adorable mother, cute daughter, lovely daughter-in-law, dependable friends, sweet sisters, perfect companion, suitable helper, godly adviser, fantastic cook, updated fashionista, wardrobe managers, light, enthroned Princess/Queen… Indeed challenge is one of the tool that...

79 Years of Great Grace

79 Years of Great Grace

Today is a special day in the history of this generation, because just 79years ago, Kingdom general, a ruler, a king was born, and today, we have seen how he has exude great grace in His life and ministry. We all enjoy God’s grace under the ministry/ministration of this wonderful man of God. As you...

There is A King in You: Introduction (Series 1)

There is A King in You: Introduction (Series 1)

There are two powerful scriptures that gave an insight about one of the important things to possess as a child of God: Job 32:8 8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Isaiah 11:2  And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit...

Spiritual Technology: Influence (Series 3)

Spiritual Technology: Influence (Series 3)

Daddy G.O’s address during the February Thanksgiving Service at the RCCG Head Quarter, Ebute-Meta, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the general overseer of RCCG celebrated God’s faithfulness this year for 40years as the G.O., these are the secrets he shared;
1. Learn to acknowledge and appreciate; God, your spouse, your mentor, your followers…
2. If you want your journey to be easy, learn to hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
3. Ensure you marry right if you are still single
4. Have a mentor that can guide you aright into obedience to God’s Word
5. Fear God, if He loves you, He will not take nonsense from you. Don’t mess with God.
6. Be sacrificial in your giving. For God to gain the world, He had to sacrifice His only son. Give something to gain something.
For you to have influence, you have to let God influence you.
7. Be humble…learn to submit and surrender to God’s leading. Also, no matter what God is doing through you, always accrue glory to Him.
Prayer: Father! Give me the grace to become the influence for you in this world.
Confession: I receive power to be influential and impact my world for JESUS!

The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

The Imitating Glory Part IV – Be Like Jesus

Jesus came not just to show us the true character to live by as a child of God, but He also lived it.
Psalm 128 says: Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the LORD.
This series is a summary of the first three series, while it pays attention to three aspects of Jesus’ character that can lead us to greatness and fulfilment.
Jesus exhibited;
i. High level of INTEGRITY,


The Imitating Glory Part II – Glory Hidden in Challenges

David was a man that God announced through a challenge. Challenges are greatness in disguise. Students face challenges of attending classes and writing exams to get certificate. A pregnant woman faces challenges of body changes and delivery pain to reproduce a being (child/children). Life is full of challenges and ups and downs. Our perspective to it is very important, they are there to make us better and live gloriously.
I Samuel 17 has a very popular story of David and Goliath, and I want to suggest that you read it. Because it is the first time an individual, a stripling will confront a challenging battle and prevailed, this he did in the name of the Lord. I Sam 17:56 kjv...

The Custodian – Series IV

The Custodian – Series IV

A custodian is someone who is entrusted with a valuable asset in order to prevent it from theft/loss or been wasted and also to tend such asset to multiplication or profit. A custodian can also be known as a caretaker, keeper, conservator… A custodian takes care, protects, and develops the asset into a profitable means.

In the last series, the discussion had been quite interesting, using the biblical story of David and Obed-Edom, we are able to delve into God’s principle as regards what He commits to your hand, the motive behind the way you carry it out and basically.

In this series, we will give a concise definition of custodian, what God can entrust in your hand and the qualities of a custodian. These qualities does not only signify how successful a custodian can be, but also where such custodian will end (heaven).