RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 6

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 6

How healthy is the meal? Some meals can cost a fortune, but might not be healthy for you. The meal you are about to partake in is good for your health
Physically – I Peter 2:24. If you believe and have faith in God, you will take the bread, and it will bring healing to your memory – According to I Corinthians 11:23-25, this meals enhances your brain. It guarantees your mental health and mental wellness.

It is also healthy for you spiritually
Healthy for you spiritually - - Ephesians 5:18. The Holy Spirit and the wine were unified. Romans 8:11. He will revive your mortal body.1 Corinthians 10:21

Those that cannot partake in this:
If you are not 100% committed to God, don’t partake of this meal. Sinners cannot partake. If you belong to any form of secret society, don’t partake of this table. Because if you do, instead of it bringing healing, it can bring death.

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 5

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 5

1. As a result of this convention, I will increase laughter in many of your homes.
2. Quite a few businesses will not survive the lockdown, but yours will emerge stronger.
3. Before this lockdown is over, the siege on your destiny will be gone
4. You will begin to see traces of your father’s anointing in your ministrations.***
5. The doors of opportunities that running up and down didn’t allow you to see will be manifest to you during this lockdown
6. You are already great, but you will become much greater
7. Someone promise to fight you to the end, that’s no problem, because at the end, you will win.
8. There’s a particular family, every member of the family will receive a miracle during this convention***
9. By the time this convention is over, the word Wonderful will be coming out of your mouth day and night.***

Soul Winning

Soul Winning

Be Scriptural
Don't Argue
Be Patient and persistent
Be encouraged in the Lord...

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 4

RCCG 68th Annual Convention (Virtual) – Day 4

The blessing God will give you during this convention will be absolute and complete, your breakthrough will be total, your healing will be 100% complete. Your promotion, will be amazing, very soon, your colleagues will look at you at the top and will know its only God that can take you thus far. And your deliverance, when He delivers you from all those demons, you will never hear of them again. When He delivers the children of Israel at the red sea, he told them the enemies they see today, they will see them no more, and soon enough, all those enemies became food for fishes.

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again!

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again!

"the surgeon knelt down beside his patient and he took off his surgeon mask and said “Mrs. Johnson, this is your surgeon. The operation went perfectly, your heart has been repaired now tell your heart to beat again.” When he said that the heart began to beat. "

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