The Custodian – Series IV

A custodian is someone who is entrusted with a valuable asset in order to prevent it from theft/loss or been wasted and also to tend such asset to multiplication or profit. A custodian can also be known as a caretaker, keeper, conservator… A custodian takes care, protects, and develops the asset into a profitable means.

In the last series, the discussion had been quite interesting, using the biblical story of David and Obed-Edom, we are able to delve into God’s principle as regards what He commits to your hand, the motive behind the way you carry it out and basically.

In this series, we will give a concise definition of custodian, what God can entrust in your hand and the qualities of a custodian. These qualities does not only signify how successful a custodian can be, but also where such custodian will end (heaven).