Mrs. Temi Adeboye’s Tribute to her Husband (Blessed memory of a true Husband)

“I do not mourn him at all.
I weep because he left me.
He slept, he did not die”

I want to say brethren today, if you are not sure of your salvation, if you are not sure if you sleep tonight you might not wake up tomorrow.
You are not sure of where you will be in eternity.
You have not given your life to Christ at all.
If you are here today, you heard and perhaps you just came to see: Yes, It’s true, he is sleeping in the Lord. But are you sure of yourself?
Are you sure of where you will be? Are you sure of eternity?

You haven’t given your life to Christ or perhaps you did and took it back from Him, I want you to raise your right hand this evening.
If you are not sure of your salvation, you are not sure you are going to sleep in the Lord, you are not sure of where you are going to end up!
You are afraid to die because you are not living a holy life, if you are afraid to die because you are not saved, because the devil is still in control of your life, I want you to raise your right hand up this evening. Wherever you are, just raise your right hand up.