God Speaks

Another thing worthy to be noted is something common in the Christian fold we need to be careful of; Whenever someone says he/she hears from God, if it is favourable to the hearer, there will be positive or affirmative reaction, if not, there will be doubt and questioning of whether such hears from God or not. 1 Kings 13:11-25 is the story of the old and young prophet. There are many old prophets today who wants the young prophet to fall, all because God has left them.
My cryout is to you, ‘’young prophet’’, stay with what God has told you, and if you are challenged like the old prophet challenged the young prophet, do not sink it in, GO BACK TO GOD before you react or take the final decision. He who is down does not fear the floor, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed, lest he falls. 1 Corinthians 10:12